
Test: validates the UTXOs./validate-utxos validates the UTXOs (/validate-utxos)

Success rate: 72.7% Test runs: 11 total / 3 failures / 0 ignored

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Agents All None

Test History

Test status Duration   Build Info Changes Started Agent
Failure 205ms Diff Testing #81184 Build chronik-client-tests failed with exit code 14  01 Aug 24 14:34 buildagent3
Failure 90ms Diff Testing #81174 Build chronik-client-tests failed with exit code 14  01 Aug 24 13:28 buildagent4
Failure 17ms Diff Testing #81070 Build chronik-client-tests failed with exit code 14  01 Aug 24 08:05 buildagent9
OK 91ms Diff Testing #80692 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  29 Jul 24 17:33 buildagent3
OK 15ms Diff Testing #80668 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  29 Jul 24 16:18 buildagent8
OK 88ms Diff Testing #80335 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  24 Jul 24 00:51 buildagent7
OK 16ms Diff Testing #79660 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  11 Jul 24 19:35 buildagent8
OK 96ms Diff Testing #78981 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  25 Jun 24 22:47 buildagent7
OK 87ms Diff Testing #77779 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  23 May 24 13:53 buildagent7
OK 5ms Diff Testing #77777 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  23 May 24 13:25 buildagent9
OK 14ms Diff Testing #77278 Build chronik-client-tests completed successfully (Tests passed: 46)  15 May 24 17:36 buildagent9

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