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Download all tests in CSV Total test count: 59; total duration: < 1s
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Status Test Duration Order#
OK After some txs have been broadcast.Get script().history and script().utxos() After some txs have been broadcast  (Get script().history and script().utxos()) 89ms 23
OK Can get all of the above txs, and a wild mega-tx, from the blockTxs endpoint after they are mined in a block.Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs Can get all of the above txs, and a wild mega-tx, from the blockTxs endpoint after they are mined in a block  (Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs) 52ms 32
OK New regtest chain.Get script().history and script().utxos() New regtest chain  (Get script().history and script().utxos()) 44ms 22
OK After these txs are mined.Get script().history and script().utxos() After these txs are mined  (Get script().history and script().utxos()) 36ms 24
OK New regtest chain.Test broadcastTx and broadcastTxs methods from ChronikClientNode New regtest chain  (Test broadcastTx and broadcastTxs methods from ChronikClientNode) 27ms 16
OK New clean chain.Test expected websocket behavior of chronik-client when txs are removed from the mempool New clean chain  (Test expected websocket behavior of chronik-client when txs are removed from the mempool) 26ms 19
OK After a tx is broadcast with outputs of each type.Get script().history and script().utxos() After a tx is broadcast with outputs of each type  (Get script().history and script().utxos()) 23ms 26
OK gives us the block and blocks./block and /blocks gives us the block and blocks  (/block and /blocks) 20ms 1
OK After these txs are mined.Get blocktxs and tx After these txs are mined  (Get blocktxs and tx) 18ms 14
OK After these txs are avalanche finalized.Get script().history and script().utxos() After these txs are avalanche finalized  (Get script().history and script().utxos()) 14ms 25
OK New regtest chain.Test expected websocket behavior of chronik-client New regtest chain  (Test expected websocket behavior of chronik-client) 14ms 49
OK After some txs have been broadcast.Get blocktxs and tx After some txs have been broadcast  (Get blocktxs and tx) 13ms 13
OK Can get confirmed and unconfirmed txs from tokenId.history().Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs Can get confirmed and unconfirmed txs from tokenId.history()  (Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs) 11ms 33
OK After this mined block has been parked.Get blocktxs and tx After this mined block has been parked  (Get blocktxs and tx) 10ms 15
OK gives us the blockchain info + throws expected error on bad connection./blockchain-info gives us the blockchain info + throws expected error on bad connection  (/blockchain-info) 8ms 7
OK New regtest chain.Get blocktxs and tx New regtest chain  (Get blocktxs and tx) 8ms 12
OK Gets an ALP genesis tx from the mempool.Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs Gets an ALP genesis tx from the mempool  (Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs) 8ms 27
OK gives us the block after parking the last block and throws expected error attempting to get parked block./block and /blocks gives us the block after parking the last block and throws expected error attempting to get parked block  (/block and /blocks) 6ms 3
OK We get tx history in expected order from both tokenId().history() and tokenId.confirmedTxs().Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs We get tx history in expected order from both tokenId().history() and tokenId.confirmedTxs()  (Get blocktxs, txs, and history for ALP token txs) 6ms 34
OK gives us the block and blocks after reconsiderblock called on the last block./block and /blocks gives us the block and blocks after reconsiderblock called on the last block  (/block and /blocks) 5ms 6


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