
First recorded build

All history
#78270 »
[16:29:29]Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots (7s)
[16:29:29][Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots] VCS Root details
[16:29:29][VCS Root details] "Bitcoin ABC Staging" {instance id=22, parent internal id=3, parent id=BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/bitcoin-abc-staging.git#refs/heads/master"}
[16:29:29][VCS Root details] "abc-infrastructure" {instance id=24, parent internal id=7, parent id=AutomatedDeployments_BitcoinAbcDeveloperTools_AbcInfrastructure, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/infrastructure.git#refs/heads/master"}
[16:29:37][Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots] Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'
[16:29:37][Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Upper limit revision: 9138dc50179a4f5a34243173688d87530ab64e38
[16:29:37][Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Latest commit attached to build configuration (with id <= 69181): 9138dc50179a4f5a34243173688d87530ab64e38
[16:29:37][Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Computed revision: 9138dc50179a4f5a34243173688d87530ab64e38
[16:29:41]The build is removed from the queue to be prepared for the start
[16:29:43]Starting the build on the agent "buildagent7"
[16:29:43]Updating tools for build
[16:29:43][Updating tools for build] Tools are not required for the build
[16:29:43]Clearing temporary directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/buildTmp
[16:29:43]Publishing internal artifacts (2s)
[16:29:46][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[16:29:46][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[16:29:43]Clean build enabled: removing old files from /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:43]Checkout directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:43]Updating sources: agent side checkout (4s)
[16:29:43][Updating sources] Full checkout enforced. Reason: ["Delete all files before the build" turned on]
[16:29:43][Updating sources] VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging (4s)
[16:29:43][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] checkout rules: =>bitcoin-abc; revision: 9138dc50179a4f5a34243173688d87530ab64e38
[16:29:43][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] Git version:
[16:29:43][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git) (3s)
[16:29:43][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git config http.sslCAInfo
[16:29:43][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git show-ref
[16:29:44][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= ls-remote origin
[16:29:45][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48075
[16:29:45][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48075
[16:29:45][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --recurse-submodules=no origin +refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48075:refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48075 (1s)
[16:29:46][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H%x20%s 9138dc50179a4f5a34243173688d87530ab64e38 --
[16:29:46][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git pack-refs --all
[16:29:46][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)
[16:29:46][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] The .git directory is missing in '/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc'. Running 'git init'...
[16:29:46][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git init
[16:29:46][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git config lfs.storage /home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git/lfs
[16:29:46][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git config core.sparseCheckout true
[16:29:46][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git config http.sslCAInfo
[16:29:46][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git show-ref
[16:29:47][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48075
[16:29:47][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H%x20%s 9138dc50179a4f5a34243173688d87530ab64e38 --
[16:29:47][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= checkout -q -f phabricator/diff/48075
[16:29:47][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48075
[16:29:47][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] Cleaning Bitcoin ABC Staging in /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc the file set ALL_UNTRACKED
[16:29:47][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git clean -f -d -x
[16:29:47]Step 1/1: Command Line (18m:50s)
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] Ant JUnit report watcher
[16:29:47][Ant JUnit report watcher] Watching paths:
[16:29:47][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/test_bitcoin.xml
[16:29:47][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/junit_results*.xml
[16:29:47][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/*junit.xml
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] Starting: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/agentTmp/custom_script7548053512337509695
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] in directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + '[' -z build-diff ']'
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + case build-diff in
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ++ id -u
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + ME=1001
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + pushd bitcoin-abc
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ++ git rev-parse --short HEAD~
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + CACHE_HASH=d60453241
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ++ git rev-parse --short HEAD
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + HASH=9138dc501
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + popd
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ++ pwd
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + RESULTS_DIR=/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + echo 'Building base image for: 9138dc501...'
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] Building base image for: 9138dc501...
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ++ echo '[Infrastructure' 'Error]'
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + ERROR_PREFIX='[Infrastructure Error]'
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + export ERROR_PREFIX
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + export REGISTRY=registry.fabien.cash
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + REGISTRY=registry.fabien.cash
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + export BASE_IMAGE=debian:bullseye-slim
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + BASE_IMAGE=debian:bullseye-slim
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] + /home/teamcity/infra/ci-wrappers/build-abc-base-image.sh -c ./bitcoin-abc --cachetagname abc-base-image-d60453241 -r registry.fabien.cash -t abc-base-image-9138dc501 debian:bullseye-slim
[16:29:47][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:51][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[16:29:51][Step 1/1] Tag name: abc-base-image-9138dc501
[16:30:19][Step 1/1] + cat
[16:30:19][Step 1/1] + chmod +x run-command.sh
[16:30:19][Step 1/1] + /home/teamcity/infra/docker/docker-run.sh -a '-v /home/teamcity/.ccache:/root/.ccache -v /home/teamcity/.abc-depends:/root/abc-depends -v /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results:/results' -c run-command.sh /work/run-command.sh -r registry.fabien.cash abc-base-image-9138dc501 ./run-command.sh
[16:30:23][Step 1/1] Starting build build-diff
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compile features
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compile features - done
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compile features
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Found Python: /usr/bin/python3.9 (found suitable version "3.9.2", minimum required is "3.9") found components: Interpreter
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.30.2")
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Using ccache: /usr/bin/ccache
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Werror_unused_command_line_argument
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Werror_unused_command_line_argument - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__fuse_ld_gold
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__fuse_ld_gold - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__g3
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__g3 - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__g3
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__g3 - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__ftrapv
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__ftrapv - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__ftrapv
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__ftrapv - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__fstack_reuse_none
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__fstack_reuse_none - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_reuse_none
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_reuse_none - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_protector_all
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_protector_all - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wstack_protector
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wstack_protector - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fcf_protection_full
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fcf_protection_full - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_clash_protection
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_clash_protection - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_noexecstack
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_noexecstack - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___enable_reloc_section
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___enable_reloc_section - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___dynamicbase
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___dynamicbase - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___nxcompat
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___nxcompat - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___high_entropy_va
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___high_entropy_va - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_relro
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_relro - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_now
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_now - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_separate_code
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_separate_code - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wnested_externs
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wnested_externs - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wstrict_prototypes
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wstrict_prototypes - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wall
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wall - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wextra
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wextra - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wgnu
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wgnu - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wvla
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wvla - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wcast_align
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wcast_align - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunused_parameter
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunused_parameter - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wmissing_braces
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wmissing_braces - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wthread_safety
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wthread_safety - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wrange_loop_analysis
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wrange_loop_analysis - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wredundant_decls
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wredundant_decls - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wsign_compare
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wsign_compare - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wconditional_uninitialized
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wconditional_uninitialized - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_branches
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_branches - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_cond
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_cond - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wlogical_op
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wlogical_op - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wdocumentation
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wdocumentation - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wall
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wall - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wextra
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wextra - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wgnu
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wgnu - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wvla
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wvla - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wcast_align
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wcast_align - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunused_parameter
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunused_parameter - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wmissing_braces
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wmissing_braces - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wthread_safety
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wthread_safety - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wrange_loop_analysis
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wrange_loop_analysis - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_decls
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_decls - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wsign_compare
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wsign_compare - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wconditional_uninitialized
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wconditional_uninitialized - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_branches
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_branches - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_cond
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_cond - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wlogical_op
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wlogical_op - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wdocumentation
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wdocumentation - Failed
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat__Wformat_security
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat__Wformat_security - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat__Wformat_security
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat__Wformat_security - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_move
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_move - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Woverloaded_virtual
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Woverloaded_virtual - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_parameter
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_parameter - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_implicit_fallthrough
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_implicit_fallthrough - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_psabi
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_psabi - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_parameter
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_parameter - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_implicit_fallthrough
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_implicit_fallthrough - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_psabi
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_psabi - Success
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file endian.h
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file endian.h - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/endian.h
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/endian.h - not found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole16
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole16 - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe16
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe16 - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be16toh
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be16toh - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le16toh
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le16toh - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe32
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe32 - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole32
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole32 - found
[16:30:28][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be32toh
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be32toh - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le32toh
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le32toh - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe64
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe64 - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole64
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole64 - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be64toh
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be64toh - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le64toh
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le64toh - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file byteswap.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file byteswap.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_16
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_16 - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_32
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_32 - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_64
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_64 - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/select.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/select.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/prctl.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/prctl.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clz
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clz - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzl
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzl - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzll
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzll - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_popcount
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_popcount - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_saddll_overflow
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_saddll_overflow - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_ssubll_overflow
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_ssubll_overflow - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for M_ARENA_MAX
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for M_ARENA_MAX - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for malloc_info
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for malloc_info - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for strnlen
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for strnlen - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fork
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fork - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for setsid
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for setsid - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, vm/vm_params.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, vm/vm_params.h - not found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/vmmeter.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/vmmeter.h - not found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/resources.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/resources.h - not found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getifaddrs
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getifaddrs - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for freeifaddrs
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for freeifaddrs - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fdatasync
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fdatasync - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYS_GETRANDOM
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYS_GETRANDOM - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND - Failed
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CHAR_EQUALS_INT8
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CHAR_EQUALS_INT8 - Failed
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_DLLEXPORT
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_DLLEXPORT - Failed
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for std::system
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for std::system - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for ::wsystem
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for ::wsystem - not found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for sys/types.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for sys/types.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stdint.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stdint.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stddef.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stddef.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Check size of __int128
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Check size of __int128 - done
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test STRERROR_R_CHAR_P
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test STRERROR_R_CHAR_P - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.2")
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for pthread.h
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for pthread.h - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Check if compiler accepts -pthread
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Check if compiler accepts -pthread - yes
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Threads: TRUE
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Jemalloc component jemalloc: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjemalloc_pic.a
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Check if jemalloc needs libdl - TRUE
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Jemalloc: /usr/include/jemalloc (found suitable version "5.2.1", minimum required is "3.6.0")
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lstdc__fs
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lstdc__fs - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lc__fs
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lc__fs - Failed
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SSE41
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SSE41 - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_AVX2
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_AVX2 - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SHANI
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SHANI - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_maybe_uninitialized
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_shadow
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_shadow - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_sign_compare
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_sign_compare - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_const_variable
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_const_variable - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_conditional_uninitialized
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_conditional_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_maybe_uninitialized
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_shadow
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_shadow - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_sign_compare
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_sign_compare - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_const_variable
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_const_variable - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_conditional_uninitialized
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_conditional_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_strict_prototypes
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_strict_prototypes - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for C++ include atomic
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Looking for C++ include atomic - found
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_HWCRC32
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_HWCRC32 - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__pedantic
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__pedantic - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wshadow
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wshadow - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wundef
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wundef - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_function
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_function - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_overlength_strings
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_overlength_strings - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__std_c89
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__std_c89 - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_long_long
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_long_long - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_duplicated_branches
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_duplicated_branches - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test USE_ASM_X86_64
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test USE_ASM_X86_64 - Success
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Event component event: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libevent.so
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Event: /usr/include (found suitable version "2.1.12-stable", minimum required is "2.0.22") found components: event
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Boost: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.74.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.74.0", minimum required is "1.64")
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Event component pthreads: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libevent_pthreads.so
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Event: /usr/include (found suitable version "2.1.12-stable", minimum required is "2.0.22") found components: pthreads
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found MiniUPnPc component miniupnpc: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libminiupnpc.so
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found MiniUPnPc: /usr/include/miniupnpc (found suitable version "2.2.1", minimum required is "1.9")
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found NATPMP component natpmp: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnatpmp.so
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found NATPMP: /usr/include
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test fuzz_target_builds_without_main_fuzz
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test fuzz_target_builds_without_main_fuzz - Failed
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found BerkeleyDB component CXX: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdb_cxx-5.3.so
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found BerkeleyDB: /usr/include (found suitable version "5.3.28", minimum required is "5.3") found components: CXX
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found SQLite3: /usr/include (found suitable version "3.34.1", minimum required is "3.7.17")
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found ZeroMQ component zmq: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzmq.so
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found ZeroMQ: /usr/include (found suitable version "4.3.4", minimum required is "4.1.5")
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Could NOT find Protobuf (missing: Protobuf_DIR)
[16:30:33][Step 1/1] -- Found Protobuf: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprotobuf.so;-pthread (found version "3.12.4")
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so (found version "1.1.1w")
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for EVP_MD_CTX_new
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for EVP_MD_CTX_new - found
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Found QREncode component qrencode: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libqrencode.so
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Found QREncode: /usr/include
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Configuring native build in /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/native
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Configuring done
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Generating done
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Build files have been written to: /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] [0/570] Preparing native build...
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compile features
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting C compile features - done
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compile features
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Found Python: /usr/bin/python3.9 (found suitable version "3.9.2", minimum required is "3.9") found components: Interpreter
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.30.2")
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Using ccache: /usr/bin/ccache
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__g3
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__g3 - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__g3
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__g3 - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__ftrapv
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__ftrapv - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__ftrapv
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__ftrapv - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__fstack_reuse_none
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__fstack_reuse_none - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_reuse_none
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_reuse_none - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_protector_all
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_protector_all - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wstack_protector
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wstack_protector - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fcf_protection_full
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fcf_protection_full - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_clash_protection
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__fstack_clash_protection - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Werror_unused_command_line_argument
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Werror_unused_command_line_argument - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_noexecstack
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_noexecstack - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__U_FORTIFY_SOURCE - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___enable_reloc_section
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___enable_reloc_section - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___dynamicbase
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___dynamicbase - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___nxcompat
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___nxcompat - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___high_entropy_va
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl___high_entropy_va - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_relro
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_relro - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_now
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_now - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_separate_code
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__Wl__z_separate_code - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wnested_externs
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wnested_externs - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wstrict_prototypes
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wstrict_prototypes - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wall
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wall - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wextra
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wextra - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wgnu
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wgnu - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wvla
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wvla - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wcast_align
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wcast_align - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunused_parameter
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunused_parameter - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wmissing_braces
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wmissing_braces - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wthread_safety
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wthread_safety - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wrange_loop_analysis
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wrange_loop_analysis - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wredundant_decls
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wredundant_decls - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wsign_compare
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wsign_compare - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wconditional_uninitialized
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wconditional_uninitialized - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_branches
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_branches - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_cond
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wduplicated_cond - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wlogical_op
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wlogical_op - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wdocumentation
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wdocumentation - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wall
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wall - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wextra
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wextra - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wgnu
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wgnu - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wvla
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wvla - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wcast_align
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wcast_align - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunused_parameter
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunused_parameter - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wmissing_braces
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wmissing_braces - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wthread_safety
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wthread_safety - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wrange_loop_analysis
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wrange_loop_analysis - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_decls
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_decls - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wunreachable_code_loop_increment - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wsign_compare
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wsign_compare - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wconditional_uninitialized
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wconditional_uninitialized - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_branches
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_branches - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_cond
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wduplicated_cond - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wlogical_op
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wlogical_op - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wdocumentation
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wdocumentation - Failed
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat__Wformat_security
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wformat__Wformat_security - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat__Wformat_security
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wformat__Wformat_security - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_move
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wredundant_move - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Woverloaded_virtual
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Woverloaded_virtual - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_parameter
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_parameter - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_implicit_fallthrough
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_implicit_fallthrough - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_psabi
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_psabi - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_parameter
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_parameter - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_implicit_fallthrough
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_implicit_fallthrough - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_psabi
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_psabi - Success
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file endian.h
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file endian.h - found
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/endian.h
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/endian.h - not found
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole16
[16:30:38][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole16 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe16
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe16 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be16toh
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be16toh - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le16toh
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le16toh - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe32
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe32 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole32
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole32 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be32toh
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be32toh - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le32toh
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le32toh - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe64
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htobe64 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole64
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for htole64 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be64toh
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for be64toh - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le64toh
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for le64toh - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file byteswap.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file byteswap.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_16
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_16 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_32
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_32 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_64
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for bswap_64 - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/select.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/select.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/prctl.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include file sys/prctl.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clz
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clz - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzl
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzl - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzll
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_clzll - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_popcount
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_popcount - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_saddll_overflow
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_saddll_overflow - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_ssubll_overflow
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for __builtin_ssubll_overflow - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for M_ARENA_MAX
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for M_ARENA_MAX - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for malloc_info
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for malloc_info - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for strnlen
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for strnlen - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fork
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fork - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for setsid
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for setsid - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getentropy - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, vm/vm_params.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, vm/vm_params.h - not found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/vmmeter.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/vmmeter.h - not found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/resources.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for include files sys/types.h, sys/resources.h - not found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getifaddrs
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for getifaddrs - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for freeifaddrs
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for freeifaddrs - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fdatasync
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for fdatasync - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYS_GETRANDOM
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYS_GETRANDOM - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND - Failed
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CHAR_EQUALS_INT8
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CHAR_EQUALS_INT8 - Failed
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_DLLEXPORT
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_DLLEXPORT - Failed
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for std::system
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for std::system - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for ::wsystem
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for ::wsystem - not found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for sys/types.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for sys/types.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stdint.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stdint.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stddef.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for stddef.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Check size of __int128
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Check size of __int128 - done
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test STRERROR_R_CHAR_P
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test STRERROR_R_CHAR_P - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lstdc__fs
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lstdc__fs - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lc__fs
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_linker__lc__fs - Failed
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SSE41
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SSE41 - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_AVX2
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_AVX2 - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SHANI
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_SHANI - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_maybe_uninitialized
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_shadow
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_shadow - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_sign_compare
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_sign_compare - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_const_variable
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_const_variable - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_conditional_uninitialized
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_conditional_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_inconsistent_missing_override - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_maybe_uninitialized
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_shadow
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_shadow - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_sign_compare
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_sign_compare - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_const_variable
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_unused_const_variable - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_conditional_uninitialized
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_CXX__Wno_conditional_uninitialized - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_strict_prototypes
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_strict_prototypes - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for C++ include atomic
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for C++ include atomic - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for pthread.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Looking for pthread.h - found
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Check if compiler accepts -pthread
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Check if compiler accepts -pthread - yes
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Found Threads: TRUE
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_HWCRC32
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test ENABLE_HWCRC32 - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__pedantic
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__pedantic - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wshadow
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wshadow - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wundef
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wundef - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_function
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_unused_function - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_overlength_strings
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_overlength_strings - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__std_c89
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__std_c89 - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_long_long
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_long_long - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_duplicated_branches
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test have_C__Wno_duplicated_branches - Success
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test fuzz_target_builds_without_main_fuzz
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Performing Test fuzz_target_builds_without_main_fuzz - Failed
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Configuring done
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Generating done
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] -- Build files have been written to: /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/native
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [102/570] Generating bitcoin_hu.qm
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [122/570] Generating bitcoin_pl.qm
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [131/570] Generating bitcoin_ru.qm
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [138/570] Generating bitcoin_tr.qm
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [214/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/util.dir/util/string.cpp.o
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [215/570] Building native src/secp256k1/gen_context
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [1/2] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/gen_context.dir/src/gen_context.c.o
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [2/2] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/gen_context
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [216/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/util.dir/util/time.cpp.o
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [218/570] Generating src/ecmult_static_context.h
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [219/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/uint256.cpp.o
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [220/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/bitfield.cpp.o
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [221/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/primitives/transaction.cpp.o
[16:30:45][Step 1/1] [222/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoind.dir/bitcoind.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [223/570] Linking CXX static library src/libutil.a
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [224/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/util/strencodings.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [225/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/script_error.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [226/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/descriptor.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [227/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/sigencoding.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [228/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/signingprovider.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [229/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/arith_uint256.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [230/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/hash.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [231/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/standard.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [232/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/common/configfile.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [233/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/cashaddr.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [234/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/common/bloom.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [235/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/chainparams.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [236/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/script.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [237/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/pubkey.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [238/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/coins.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [239/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/consensus/merkle.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [240/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/base58.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [241/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/consensus/amount.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [242/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/feerate.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [243/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/eventloop.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [244/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus.dir/consensus/tx_check.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [245/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/key.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [246/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoinconsensus-shared.dir/script/bitcoinconsensus.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [247/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/core_write.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [248/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/net_permissions.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [249/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/netaddress.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [250/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/common/system.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [251/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/netbase.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [252/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/config.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [253/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/cashaddrenc.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [254/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/compressor.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [255/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/psbt.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [256/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/merkleblock.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [257/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/sign.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [258/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/scheduler.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [259/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/warnings.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [260/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/networks/abc/checkpoints.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [261/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/primitives/block.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [262/570] Linking CXX static library src/librpcclient.a
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [263/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/key_io.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [264/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/policy/policy.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [265/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/avalanche.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [266/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/networks/abc/chainparamsconstants.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [267/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/addrman.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [268/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/outputtype.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [269/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/script.dir/script/interpreter.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [270/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/kernel/chainparams.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [271/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/protocol.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [272/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/mapport.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [273/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/common/args.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [274/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/proofid.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [275/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-wallet.dir/bitcoin-wallet.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [276/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/banman.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [277/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/voterecord.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [278/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/blockfileinfo.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [279/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/blockfilter.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [280/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/blockindex.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [281/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/core_read.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [282/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/checkpoints.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [283/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/chain.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [284/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/consensus/activation.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [285/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/config.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [286/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/consensus/tx_verify.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [287/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/compactproofs.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [288/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/delegationbuilder.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [289/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/deploymentstatus.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [290/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/flatfile.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [291/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/rpc/rawtransaction_util.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [292/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/dnsseeds.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [293/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/httpserver.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [294/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/i2p.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [295/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/delegation.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [296/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/addrdb.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [297/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/proofbuilder.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [298/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/common.dir/rpc/util.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [299/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/proof.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [300/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/dbwrapper.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [301/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/blockencodings.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [302/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/proofpool.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [303/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/kernel/cs_main.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [304/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/index/txindex.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [305/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/mempool_args.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [306/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/headerssync.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [307/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/index/base.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [308/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/minerfund.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [309/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/httprpc.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [310/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/index/coinstatsindex.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [311/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/init/common.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [312/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/kernel/coinstats.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [313/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/peermanager.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [314/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/index/blockfilterindex.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [315/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/avalanche/processor.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [316/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/coins_view_args.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [317/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/invrequest.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [318/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/caches.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [319/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/kernel/disconnected_transactions.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [320/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/kernel_notifications.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [321/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/blockmanager_args.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [322/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/kernel/mempool_persist.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [323/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/psbt.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [324/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/database_args.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [325/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/coin.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [326/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/ui_interface.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [327/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/validation_cache_args.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [328/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/coinstats.cpp.o
[16:31:14][Step 1/1] [329/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/noui.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [330/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/policy/block/minerfund.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [331/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/chainstatemanager_args.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [332/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/policy/fees.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [333/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/policy/packages.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [334/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/policy/settings.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [335/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/chainstate.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [336/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/pow/daa.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [337/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/context.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [338/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/mempool_persist_args.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [339/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/pow/pow.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [340/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/pow/grasberg.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [341/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/abc.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [342/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/pow/aserti32d.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [343/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/pow/eda.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [344/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/command.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [345/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/policy/block/preconsensus.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [346/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/transaction.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [347/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/utxo_snapshot.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [348/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/blockstorage.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [349/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/policy/block/stakingrewards.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [350/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/server.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [351/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/interfaces.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [352/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/node/miner.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [353/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rest.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [354/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/server_util.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [355/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/shutdown.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [356/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/net.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [357/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/script/scriptcache.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [358/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/txdb.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [359/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/mempool.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [360/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/script/sigcache.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [361/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/timedata.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [362/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/validationinterface.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [363/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/versionbits.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [364/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/txoutproof.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [365/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-cli.dir/bitcoin-cli.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [366/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-tx.dir/bitcoin-tx.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [367/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/misc.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [368/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/random.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [369/570] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/secp256k1.dir/src/secp256k1.c.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [370/570] Linking C static library src/secp256k1/libsecp256k1.a
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [371/570] Linking CXX static library src/libcommon.a
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [372/570] Linking CXX static library src/libscript.a
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [373/570] Linking CXX static library src/libbitcoinconsensus.a
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [374/570] Linking CXX shared library src/libbitcoinconsensus.so.0.29.6
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [375/570] Creating library symlink src/libbitcoinconsensus.so.0 src/libbitcoinconsensus.so
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [376/570] Linking CXX executable src/bitcoin-cli
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [377/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/init.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [378/570] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/recover-bench.dir/src/bench_recover.c.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [379/570] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/recover-bench
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [380/570] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/ecmult-bench.dir/src/bench_ecmult.c.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [381/570] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/ecmult-bench
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [382/570] Linking CXX executable src/bitcoin-tx
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [383/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/mining.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [384/570] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/verify-bench.dir/src/bench_verify.c.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [385/570] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/internal-bench.dir/src/bench_internal.c.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [386/570] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/sign-bench.dir/src/bench_sign.c.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [387/570] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/sign-bench
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [388/570] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/verify-bench
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [389/570] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/internal-bench
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [390/570] Installing component secp256k1
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Install configuration: "RelWithDebInfo"
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Install component: "secp256k1"
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/lib/libsecp256k1.a
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/include/secp256k1.h
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/include/secp256k1_preallocated.h
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/include/secp256k1_recovery.h
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/include/secp256k1_schnorr.h
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [391/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/coins.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [392/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/txorphanage.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [393/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/net.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [394/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/blockindex.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [395/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/str.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [396/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/transaction_utils.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [397/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/avalanche.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [398/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/logging.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [399/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/wallet.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [400/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet-tool.dir/wallettool.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [401/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/bdb.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [402/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/net.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [403/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/coincontrol.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [404/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/context.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [405/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/crypter.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [406/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/fees.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [407/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/db.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [408/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/txmempool.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [409/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/torcontrol.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [410/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/interfaces.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [411/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/load.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [412/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/rpc/backup.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [413/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/rpc/signmessage.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [414/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/rpc/util.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [415/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/blockfilter.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [416/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/scriptpubkeyman.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [417/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/wallet/init.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [418/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/salvage.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [419/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/validation.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [420/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/coinselection.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [421/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/mining.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [422/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/transaction.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [423/570] Linking CXX static library src/zmq/libzmq.a
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [424/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/wallet.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [425/570] Building CXX object src/seeder/CMakeFiles/seeder-base.dir/db.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [426/570] Building CXX object src/seeder/CMakeFiles/seeder-base.dir/dns.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [427/570] Building CXX object src/seeder/CMakeFiles/seeder-base.dir/options.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [428/570] Building CXX object src/seeder/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-seeder.dir/main.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [429/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/sqlite.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [430/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [431/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/receive.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [432/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/walletutil.cpp.o
[16:31:56][Step 1/1] [433/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/rpc/blockchain.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [434/570] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/testutil.dir/util/setup_common.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [435/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/spend.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [436/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/rpc/encrypt.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [437/570] Building CXX object src/seeder/CMakeFiles/seeder-base.dir/bitcoin.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [438/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/net_processing.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [439/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/walletdb.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [440/570] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/server.dir/validation.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [441/570] Building CXX object src/wallet/CMakeFiles/wallet.dir/rpcwallet.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [442/570] Linking CXX static library src/wallet/libwallet.a
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [443/570] Linking CXX static library src/libserver.a
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [444/570] Generating temp_bitcoin_locale.qrc
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [445/570] Linking CXX static library src/wallet/libwallet-tool.a
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [446/570] Linking CXX static library src/seeder/libseeder-base.a
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [447/570] Generating qrc_bitcoin_locale.cpp
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [448/570] data/block413567.raw
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [449/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/crypto_hash.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [450/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/bench_bitcoin.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [451/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/base58.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [452/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/ccoins_caching.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [453/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/chacha_poly_aead.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [454/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/bench.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [455/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/chacha20.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [456/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/examples.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [457/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/addrman.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [458/570] Linking CXX executable src/seeder/bitcoin-seeder
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [459/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/hashpadding.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [460/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/lockedpool.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [461/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/mempool_eviction.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [462/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/data.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [463/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/merkle_root.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [464/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/nanobench.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [465/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/pool.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [466/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/gcs_filter.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [467/570] Linking CXX executable src/bitcoin-wallet
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [468/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/cashaddr.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [469/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/prevector.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [470/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/poly1305.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [471/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/rpc_mempool.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [472/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/rollingbloom.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [473/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/util_time.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [474/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/verify_script.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [475/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/coin_selection.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [476/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/streams_findbyte.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [477/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/checkqueue.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [478/570] Automatic MOC for target bitcoin-qt-base
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [479/570] Linking CXX executable src/bitcoind
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [480/570] Generating forms/ui_intro.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [481/570] Generating forms/ui_modaloverlay.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [482/570] Generating forms/ui_openuridialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [483/570] Generating forms/ui_optionsdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [484/570] Generating forms/ui_receivecoinsdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [485/570] Generating forms/ui_overviewpage.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [486/570] Generating forms/ui_askpassphrasedialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [487/570] Generating forms/ui_addressbookpage.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [488/570] Generating forms/ui_coincontroldialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [489/570] Generating forms/ui_createwalletdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [490/570] Generating forms/ui_editaddressdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [491/570] Generating forms/ui_helpmessagedialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [492/570] Generating forms/ui_receiverequestdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [493/570] Generating forms/ui_debugwindow.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [494/570] Generating forms/ui_sendcoinsentry.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [495/570] Generating forms/ui_transactiondescdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [496/570] Generating forms/ui_signverifymessagedialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [497/570] Generating forms/ui_sendcoinsdialog.h
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [498/570] Generating qrc_bitcoin.cpp
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [499/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bitcoinaddressvalidator.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [500/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bitcoinamountfield.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [501/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/crypto_aes.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [502/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bitcoinunits.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [503/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/checkblock.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [504/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/csvmodelwriter.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [505/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/block_assemble.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [506/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/duplicate_inputs.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [507/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/modaloverlay.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [508/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/networkstyle.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [509/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/load_external.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [510/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/notificator.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [511/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/peer_eviction.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [512/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/rpc_blockchain.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [513/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/mempool_stress.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [514/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/chained_tx.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [515/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/qvaluecombobox.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [516/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/platformstyle.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [517/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/qvalidatedlineedit.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [518/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bantablemodel.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [519/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/utilitydialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [520/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/clientmodel.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [521/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/qrc_bitcoin.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [522/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/addressbookpage.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [523/570] Building CXX object src/bench/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-bench.dir/wallet_balance.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [524/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/intro.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [525/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/askpassphrasedialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [526/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/optionsmodel.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [527/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/optionsdialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [528/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/coincontroltreewidget.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [529/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/createwalletdialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [530/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/editaddressdialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [531/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/openuridialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [532/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bitcoingui.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [533/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/qrimagewidget.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [534/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bitcoin-qt-base_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [535/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/receivecoinsdialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [536/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/receiverequestdialog.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [537/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/recentrequeststablemodel.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [538/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/sendcoinsentry.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [539/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/bitcoin.cpp.o
[16:32:41][Step 1/1] [540/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/guiutil.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [541/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/overviewpage.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [542/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/transactionfilterproxy.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [543/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/transactionrecord.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [544/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/transactiontablemodel.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [545/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/trafficgraphwidget.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [546/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/transactionview.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [547/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/walletframe.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [548/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/splashscreen.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [549/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/peertablemodel.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [550/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/walletmodeltransaction.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [551/570] Linking CXX executable src/bench/bitcoin-bench
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [552/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/transactiondescdialog.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [553/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/qrc_bitcoin_locale.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [554/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/addresstablemodel.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [555/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/paymentrequestplus.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [556/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/signverifymessagedialog.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [557/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/rpcconsole.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [558/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/transactiondesc.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [559/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/coincontroldialog.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [560/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/walletcontroller.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [561/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/walletview.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [562/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/walletmodel.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [563/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/paymentserver.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [564/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt-base.dir/sendcoinsdialog.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [565/570] Linking CXX static library src/qt/libbitcoin-qt-base.a
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [566/570] Automatic MOC for target bitcoin-qt
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [567/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt.dir/bitcoin-qt_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [568/570] Building CXX object src/qt/CMakeFiles/bitcoin-qt.dir/main.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [569/570] Linking CXX executable src/qt/bitcoin-qt
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [569/570] Install the project...
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Install configuration: "RelWithDebInfo"
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/lib/libbitcoinconsensus.so.0.29.6
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/lib/libbitcoinconsensus.so.0
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/lib/libbitcoinconsensus.so
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/include/bitcoinconsensus.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/bin/bitcoin-wallet
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/bin/bitcoin-seeder
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/bin/bitcoin-cli
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/bin/bitcoin-tx
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/bin/bitcoind
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] -- Installing: /results/artifacts/bin/bitcoin-qt
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [1/862] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/secp256k1-exhaustive_tests.dir/src/tests_exhaustive.c.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [2/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/hash_test.dir/util/hash_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [3/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/env_test.dir/util/env_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [4/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/memenv_test.dir/helpers/memenv/memenv_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [5/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/crc32c_test.dir/util/crc32c_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [6/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/arena_test.dir/util/arena_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [7/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/bloom_test.dir/util/bloom_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [8/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/issue178_test.dir/issues/issue178_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [9/862] Building C object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/c_test.dir/db/c_test.c.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [10/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/dbformat_test.dir/db/dbformat_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [11/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/table_test.dir/table/table_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [12/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/write_batch_test.dir/db/write_batch_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [13/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/version_edit_test.dir/db/version_edit_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [14/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/leveldb_test_base.dir/util/testharness.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [15/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/leveldb_test_base.dir/util/testutil.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [16/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/fault_injection_test.dir/db/fault_injection_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [17/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/coding_test.dir/util/coding_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [18/862] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/secp256k1-exhaustive_tests
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [19/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/cache_test.dir/util/cache_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [20/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/issue200_test.dir/issues/issue200_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [21/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/corruption_test.dir/db/corruption_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [22/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/recovery_test.dir/db/recovery_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [23/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/skiplist_test.dir/db/skiplist_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [24/862] Building C object src/secp256k1/CMakeFiles/secp256k1-tests.dir/src/tests.c.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [25/862] Building CXX object src/univalue/CMakeFiles/unitester_test.dir/test/unitester.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [26/862] Building CXX object src/univalue/CMakeFiles/object_test.dir/test/object.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [27/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/db_test.dir/db/db_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [28/862] Linking CXX static library src/leveldb/libleveldb_test_base.a
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [29/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/env_posix_test.dir/util/env_posix_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [30/862] Generate ASMAP header from data/asmap.raw
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [31/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/log_test.dir/db/log_test.cc.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [32/862] Linking CXX executable src/univalue/unitester_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [33/862] Linking CXX executable src/univalue/object_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [34/862] Linking C executable src/secp256k1/secp256k1-tests
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [35/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/crc32c_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [36/862] Building CXX object src/univalue/CMakeFiles/json_test.dir/test/test_json.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [37/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/hash_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [38/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/env_posix_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [39/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/bloom_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [40/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/arena_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [41/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/memenv_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [42/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/dbformat_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [43/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/write_batch_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [44/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/log_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [45/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/version_edit_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [46/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/issue178_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [47/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/c_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [48/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/env_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [49/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/coding_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [50/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/table_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [51/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/cache_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [52/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/skiplist_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [53/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/fault_injection_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [54/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/recovery_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [55/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/issue200_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [56/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/corruption_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [57/862] Generating data/base58_encode_decode.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [58/862] univalue: testing object_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [59/862] leveldb: testing crc32c_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [60/862] univalue: testing unitester_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [61/862] Linking CXX executable src/univalue/json_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [62/862] Generating data/key_io_valid.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [63/862] Generating data/blockfilters.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [64/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/db_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [65/862] Generating data/key_io_invalid.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [66/862] Generating data/tx_invalid.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [67/862] Generating data/tx_valid.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [68/862] leveldb: testing cache_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [69/862] leveldb: testing hash_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [70/862] Generating data/script_tests.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [71/862] Building CXX object src/univalue/CMakeFiles/no_nul_test.dir/test/no_nul.cpp.o
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [72/862] Linking CXX executable src/univalue/no_nul_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [73/862] univalue: testing no_nul_test
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [74/862] Generating data/sighash.json.h
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] [75/862] Running univalue test suite
[16:33:03][Step 1/1] PASSED: univalue test suite
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [76/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/jsonutil.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [77/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/scriptflags.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [78/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/fixture.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [79/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sigutil.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [80/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [81/862] leveldb: testing env_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [82/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/wallet_test_fixture.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [83/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/addrman_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [84/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/filter_block_test.dir/table/filter_block_test.cc.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [85/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/autocompact_test.dir/db/autocompact_test.cc.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [86/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/filter_block_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [87/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/fixture.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [88/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/amount_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [89/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/autocompact_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [90/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/arith_uint256_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [91/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/filename_test.dir/db/filename_test.cc.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [92/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/base32_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [93/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/base64_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [94/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/bitmanip_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [95/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/bip32_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [96/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/filename_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [97/862] leveldb: testing c_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [98/862] leveldb: testing coding_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [99/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/allocator_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [100/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockfilter_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [101/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/base58_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [102/862] Building CXX object src/leveldb/CMakeFiles/version_set_test.dir/db/version_set_test.cc.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [103/862] Linking CXX executable src/leveldb/version_set_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [104/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockindex_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [105/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockstatus_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [106/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/init_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [107/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/bloom_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [108/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/bswap_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [109/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/cashaddr_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [110/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/cashaddrenc_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [111/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/checkdatasig_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [112/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/util.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [113/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/checkqueue_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [114/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/activation_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [115/862] leveldb: testing table_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [116/862] leveldb: testing memenv_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [117/862] leveldb: testing filter_block_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [118/862] leveldb: testing issue200_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [119/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/delegation_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [120/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockchain_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [121/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/compress_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [122/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/config_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [123/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockcheck_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [124/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/crypto_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [125/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/cuckoocache_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [126/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/dbwrapper_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [127/862] leveldb: testing fault_injection_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [128/862] leveldb: testing dbformat_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [129/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockmanager_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [130/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/compactproofs_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [131/862] secp256k1: testing secp256k1-exhaustive_tests
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [132/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/dstencode_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [133/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockfilter_index_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [134/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/feerate_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [135/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/descriptor_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [136/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/flatfile_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [137/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/fs_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [138/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/getarg_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [139/862] leveldb: testing corruption_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [140/862] leveldb: testing filename_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [141/862] leveldb: testing env_posix_test
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [142/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/hasher_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [143/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockstorage_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [144/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockencodings_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [145/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/intmath_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [146/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/compilerbug_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [147/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/inv_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [148/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/coinstatsindex_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [149/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/lcg_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [150/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/logging_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [151/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/mempool_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [152/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/merkle_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [153/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/key_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [154/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/checkpoints_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [155/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/minerfund_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [156/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/monolith_opcodes_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [157/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/dnsseeds_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [158/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/core_io_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [159/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/headers_sync_chainwork_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [160/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/denialofservice_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [161/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/op_reversebytes_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [162/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/netbase_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [163/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/pmt_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [164/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/hash_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [165/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/policy_fee_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [166/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/i2p_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [167/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/pool_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [168/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/prevector_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [169/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/radix_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [170/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/raii_event_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [171/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/random_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [172/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/coins_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [173/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/policyestimator_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [174/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/result_tests.cpp.o
[16:33:25][Step 1/1] [175/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/reverselock_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [176/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/merkleblock_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [177/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/rwcollection_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [178/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/key_io_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [179/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/scheduler_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [180/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sanity_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [181/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/schnorr_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [182/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/script_bitfield_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [183/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/script_standard_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [184/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/script_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] In file included from /usr/include/boost/test/unit_test.hpp:19,
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] from ../../src/test/script_tests.cpp:31:
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] ../../src/test/script_tests.cpp: In member function ‘void script_tests::script_build::test_method()’:
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] ../../src/test/script_tests.cpp:541:22: note: variable tracking size limit exceeded with ‘-fvar-tracking-assignments’, retrying without
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] 541 | BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(script_build) {
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] | ^~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [185/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/interfaces_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [186/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/policy_block_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [187/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/multisig_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [188/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/settings_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [189/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/net_peer_eviction_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [190/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/miner_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [191/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sigencoding_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [192/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/orphanage_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [193/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sigcheckcount_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [194/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/skiplist_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [195/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/rpc_server_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [196/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/scriptnum_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [197/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sock_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [198/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/rcu_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [199/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/timedata_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [200/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/streams_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [201/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/translation_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [202/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/script_p2sh_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [203/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/shortidprocessor_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [204/862] leveldb: testing autocompact_test
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [205/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sighashtype_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [206/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sigcache_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [207/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sync_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [208/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/uint256_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [209/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/txindex_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [210/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/torcontrol_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [211/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/sighash_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [212/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/serialize_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [213/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/rpc_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [214/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/txvalidation_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [215/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/net_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [216/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/undo_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [217/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/util_threadnames_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [218/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/txpackage_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [219/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/txrequest_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [220/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/db_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [221/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [222/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/rpc/test/server_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [223/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/init_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [224/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/psbt_wallet_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [225/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/ismine_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [226/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/transaction_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [227/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/txvalidationcache_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [228/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/wallet_crypto_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [229/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/__/wallet/test/walletdb_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [230/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/blockindex_comparator_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [231/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/validation_flush_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [232/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/validation_chainstate_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [233/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/validation_block_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [234/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/validationinterface_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [235/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/voterecord_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [236/862] Building CXX object src/pow/test/CMakeFiles/test-pow.dir/fixture.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [237/862] Building CXX object src/pow/test/CMakeFiles/test-pow.dir/aserti32d_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [238/862] Building CXX object src/pow/test/CMakeFiles/test-pow.dir/daa_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [239/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/validation_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [240/862] Building CXX object src/pow/test/CMakeFiles/test-pow.dir/grasberg_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [241/862] Building CXX object src/seeder/test/CMakeFiles/test-seeder.dir/fixture.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [242/862] Building CXX object src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/test-avalanche.dir/proofcomparator_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [243/862] Building CXX object src/seeder/test/CMakeFiles/test-seeder.dir/options_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [244/862] Building CXX object src/seeder/test/CMakeFiles/test-seeder.dir/p2p_messaging_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [245/862] Building CXX object src/seeder/test/CMakeFiles/test-seeder.dir/parse_name_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [246/862] Building CXX object src/seeder/test/CMakeFiles/test-seeder.dir/write_name_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [247/862] Building CXX object src/test/CMakeFiles/test_bitcoin.dir/validation_chainstatemanager_tests.cpp.o
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] [247/862] Running functional tests
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] Starting Bitcoin ABC functional tests
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] Temporary test directory at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] .........
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] Ran 9 tests in 0.135s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1]
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] OK
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] Running Unit Tests for Test Framework Modules
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] wallet_descriptor.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] wallet_backup.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] feature_abortnode.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --nonloopback started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --nonloopback passed, Duration: 33 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] feature_abortnode.py passed, Duration: 33 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py passed, Duration: 36 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] p2p_eviction.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] wallet_backup.py passed, Duration: 57 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py --descriptors started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] p2p_eviction.py passed, Duration: 30 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] wallet_descriptor.py passed, Duration: 71 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py passed, Duration: 45 s
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py started
[16:37:40][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py passed, Duration: 50 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_avalanche.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_avalanche.py skipped
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py --descriptors started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py passed, Duration: 27 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_create_tx.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 38 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_import_rescan.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py passed, Duration: 28 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py passed, Duration: 29 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 24 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_config_args.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli passed, Duration: 28 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_resendwallettransactions.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_create_tx.py passed, Duration: 35 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_compactproofs.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py passed, Duration: 22 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_isfinal.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_import_rescan.py passed, Duration: 35 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_maxuploadtarget.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_resendwallettransactions.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] interface_rest.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_config_args.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_compactproofs.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_basic.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_maxuploadtarget.py passed, Duration: 19 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc-cmdline.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_basic.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc-cmdline.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_resync.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_resync.py skipped
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_add_connections.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] interface_rest.py passed, Duration: 34 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_addr_relay.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_add_connections.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_headers_sync_with_minchainwork.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] rpc_deprecated.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_addr_relay.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_isfinal.py failed, Duration: 64 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:14.258000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_rpc_isfinal_22
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:17.983000Z TestFramework.utils (ERROR): wait_until() failed. Predicate: ''''
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(blockhash))
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] '''
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:17.983000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_rpc_isfinal.py", line 77, in run_test
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(blockhash))
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 824, in wait_until
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] return wait_until_helper(
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 297, in wait_until_helper
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] AssertionError: Predicate ''''
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(blockhash))
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] ''' not true after 60.0 seconds
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.034000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_rpc_isfinal_22
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_rpc_isfinal_22/test_framework.log
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_rpc_isfinal_22' to consolidate all logs
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:18.285000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_ws.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_ws.py skipped
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ordering.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ordering.py skipped
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_csv_activation.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_headers_sync_with_minchainwork.py passed, Duration: 14 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] interface_zmq.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py passed, Duration: 14 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_permissions.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] rpc_deprecated.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_sendheaders.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_csv_activation.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_permissions.py passed, Duration: 15 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_init.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] interface_zmq.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] mempool_persist.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_sendheaders.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_hb.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py failed, Duration: 6 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:34.470000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:39.796000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py", line 170, in run_test
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] new_block(
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py", line 149, in new_block
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), expected_tip)
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 61, in assert_equal
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] AssertionError: not(4b694203aa336c877f6fc9f403ae7feaf555165641f6880933cb33c233150a57 == 19b33fa1eb8c67009d89b1225d4a2f98e526131f2dfb0f3deef48f1b410fe271)
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:39.847000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.101000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42/test_framework.log
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42' to consolidate all logs
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:40.102000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py --descriptors started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] mempool_persist.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] feature_init.py passed, Duration: 15 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py --descriptors started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_feature_parkedchain.py started
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py failed, Duration: 69 s
[16:38:54][Step 1/1]
[16:38:54][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:45.171000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:46.145000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes are unknown while the quorum is not established
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:46.198000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on valid mempool transactions
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:48.188000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on recently mined transactions
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:48.826000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on unknown transactions
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:48.880000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on invalid transactions
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:48.984000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on orphan transactions
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:36:49.088000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the node polls for transactions added to the mempool
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:53.724000Z TestFramework.utils (ERROR): wait_until() failed. Predicate: ''''
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_finalized_block(tip))
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] '''
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:53.724000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py", line 176, in run_test
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_finalized_block(tip))
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 824, in wait_until
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] return wait_until_helper(
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 297, in wait_until_helper
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] AssertionError: Predicate ''''
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_finalized_block(tip))
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] ''' not true after 60.0 seconds
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:53.775000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28/test_framework.log
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28' to consolidate all logs
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.128000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1]
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:40:05][Step 1/1]
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_hb.py passed, Duration: 15 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_importdescriptors.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] abc_feature_parkedchain.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_send.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_importdescriptors.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_messages.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_dump.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_send.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_messages.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalanchepeerinfo.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_script.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_script.py skipped
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] feature_minchainwork.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_dump.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] mempool_packages.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalanchepeerinfo.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_blockfilters.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] feature_minchainwork.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] rpc_net.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] mempool_packages.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_groups.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py passed, Duration: 14 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py --descriptors started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_blockfilters.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py --descriptors started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] abc_feature_persist_avapeers.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_groups.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] chronik_disable_token_index.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] rpc_net.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] feature_blockfilterindex_prune.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] chronik_disable_token_index.py skipped
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_blocksonly.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_node_network_limited.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] feature_blockfilterindex_prune.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] rpc_blockchain.py started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] p2p_blocksonly.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py --descriptors started
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py failed, Duration: 64 s
[16:40:05][Step 1/1]
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:51.187000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.226000Z TestFramework (INFO): Miner fund test case: address: ecregtest:prfhcnyqnl5cgrnmlfmms675w93ld7mvvq9jcw0zsn, fund amount: 1600000000
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:37:54.469000Z TestFramework (INFO): Miner fund test case: address: ecregtest:pqv2r67sgz3qumufap3h2uuj0zfmnzuv8v38gtrh5v, fund amount: 805220319
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.562000Z TestFramework.utils (ERROR): wait_until() failed. Predicate: ''''
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_accepted_tip(block.hash))
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] '''
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.562000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py", line 195, in run_test
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.run_for_ratio(MINER_FUND_RATIO)
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py", line 166, in run_for_ratio
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] new_block(node.getbestblockhash(), addr, amount)
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py", line 135, in new_block
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_accepted_tip(block.hash))
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 824, in wait_until
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] return wait_until_helper(
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 297, in wait_until_helper
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] AssertionError: Predicate ''''
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_accepted_tip(block.hash))
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] ''' not true after 60.0 seconds
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.612000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47/test_framework.log
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47' to consolidate all logs
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:38:54.864000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:05][Step 1/1]
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:40:05][Step 1/1]
[16:40:05][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_feature_persist_avapeers.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheproofs.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_node_network_limited.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_lokad_id_group.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_lokad_id_group.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_maxtipage.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_blockchain.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_uaclient.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] mempool_unbroadcast.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheproofs.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_maxtipage.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ping.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ping.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_assumevalid.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_uaclient.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_importmulti.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_cooldown.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] mempool_unbroadcast.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_confirmed_txs.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_confirmed_txs.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_asmap.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_assumevalid.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_notifications.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] interface_bitcoin_cli.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_cooldown.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_stalling.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_importmulti.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_leak.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_asmap.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_abandonconflict.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_notifications.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] interface_bitcoin_cli.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_stalling.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_leak.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_abandonconflict.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listreceivedby.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc-magnetic-anomaly-mining.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_mining_stakingrewards.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_block.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_block.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_pause.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_pause.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_history.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_history.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_serve.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_serve.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_coinstatsindex.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listreceivedby.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_logging.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc-magnetic-anomaly-mining.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] mining_prioritisetransaction.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_feefilter.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_mining_stakingrewards.py failed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1]
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:36.122000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:39.238000Z TestFramework (INFO): Staking rewards not ready yet, check getblocktemplate lacks the staking rewards data
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:39.244000Z TestFramework (INFO): Staking rewards not ready yet, check the miner doesn't produce the staking rewards output
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:39.376000Z TestFramework (INFO): Staking rewards are computed, check the block template returns the staking rewards data
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:41.757000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_mining_stakingrewards.py", line 144, in run_test
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] assert "stakingrewards" in gbt["coinbasetxn"]
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] AssertionError
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:41.808000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.113000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.113000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102/test_framework.log
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.114000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.114000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_163403/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102' to consolidate all logs
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.115000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.115000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.115000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:39:42.115000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:40:50][Step 1/1]
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:40:50][Step 1/1]
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_getaddr_caching.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_coinstatsindex.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_users.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_logging.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] mining_prioritisetransaction.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_feefilter.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --usecli started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_getaddr_caching.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_users.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_plugins_setup.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_plugins_setup.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_token_alp.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_token_alp.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_addrman.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_reindex.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] mining_basic.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --usecli passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_tx.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py --descriptors started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_addrman.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] feature_reindex.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] mining_basic.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_tx.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_reorgsrestore.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc-transaction-ordering.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_feature_proof_cleanup.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_standardness.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_block_txs.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_block_txs.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_blockchain_info.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_blockchain_info.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_blocks.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_blocks.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_cors.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_cors.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_mempool_conflicts.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_mempool_conflicts.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_unconfirmed_txs.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_unconfirmed_txs.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_utxos.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_script_utxos.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_spent_by.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_spent_by.py skipped
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_token_burn.py started
[16:40:50][Step 1/1] chronik_token_burn.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_id_group.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_id_group.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_parse_failure.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_standardness.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_script_group.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-transaction-ordering.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_fungible.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_parse_failure.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_mint_vault.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_script_group.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_nft1.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_fungible.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_tx.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_mint_vault.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_cltv.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_proof_cleanup.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_dersig.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_nft1.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_settings.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_tx.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_tx_version.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_reorgsrestore.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_limit.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_cltv.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_filter.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_dersig.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_unrequested_blocks.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_settings.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_limit.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_estimatefee.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_tx_version.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getchaintips.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_estimatefee.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_scantxoutset.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_filter.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_setban.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_unrequested_blocks.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getchaintips.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_startup.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py --mineblock started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_scantxoutset.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py --mineblock started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_setban.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-schnorr.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py --mineblock passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_excessiveblock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_startup.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_invalidateavalancheproof.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_block_info.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_block_info.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_chronik_info.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_chronik_info.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_raw_tx.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_raw_tx.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_broadcast_txs.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_broadcast_txs.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_tx_removal_order.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-schnorr.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_anchors.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_tx_removal_order.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_includeconf.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py --mineblock passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_loadblock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_invalidateavalancheproof.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_remove_pruned_files_on_startup.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_excessiveblock.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_uacomment.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_anchors.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_accept.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_loadblock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_reorg.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_includeconf.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_block_sync.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_remove_pruned_files_on_startup.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_blocksonly.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_uacomment.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_disconnect_ban.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_reorg.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_dos_header_tree.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_accept.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_i2p_ports.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_block_sync.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv4 started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_blocksonly.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv6 started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv4 passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_generateblock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_disconnect_ban.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_misc.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_dos_header_tree.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_i2p_ports.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py --descriptors started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_generateblock.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv6 passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_misc.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py --usecli started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-get-invalid-block.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-chains.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-get-invalid-block.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-message.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py --usecli passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-minimaldata.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-chains.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-replay-protection.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-schnorrmultisig.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-segwit-recovery.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-message.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-sync-chain.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-minimaldata.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_avalanche_options.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-segwit-recovery.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_minerfund.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-replay-protection.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mining_basic.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-schnorrmultisig.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_version_timestamp.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-sync-chain.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_addavalanchenode.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mining_basic.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_ecash.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_addavalanchenode.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_dumpcoins.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_avalanche_options.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] example_test.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_version_timestamp.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_extra.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_minerfund.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_blocksdir.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_dumpcoins.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_deterministic_chain_setup.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_ecash.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_dirsymlinks.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_extra.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_shutdown.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] example_test.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_utxo_set_hash.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_blocksdir.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_http.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_deterministic_chain_setup.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_rpc.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_dirsymlinks.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_expiry.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_shutdown.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addrfetch.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_utxo_set_hash.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_fingerprint.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_http.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_txrelay.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_rpc.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_initial_headers_sync.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addrfetch.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_block.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_fingerprint.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_locator.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_expiry.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_nobloomfilter_messages.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_txrelay.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ping.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_initial_headers_sync.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfilter.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_block.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfrompeer.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_nobloomfilter_messages.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockstats.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_locator.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_help.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ping.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_invalidateblock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfilter.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_packages.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockstats.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_preciousblock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfrompeer.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_txoutproof.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_invalidateblock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_coinbase_category.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_help.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_import_with_label.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_packages.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_timelock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_preciousblock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_coinbase_category.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mempool_chainedtx.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_txoutproof.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_buildavalancheproof.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_timelock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_mocktime.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_import_with_label.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_disallow_prune.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_disallow_prune.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_fastprune.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mempool_chainedtx.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_filelock.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_buildavalancheproof.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_proxy.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_mocktime.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_resurrect.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_fastprune.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_spend_coinbase.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addrv2_relay.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_proxy.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_getdata.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_filelock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_leak_tx.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_resurrect.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_message_capture.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_spend_coinbase.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_timeouts.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addrv2_relay.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_decodescript.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_getdata.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_leak_tx.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py --usecli started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_message_capture.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_dumptxoutset.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_timeouts.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_generate.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_decodescript.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getdescriptorinfo.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_named_arguments.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py --usecli passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signmessage.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_dumptxoutset.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_uptime.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getdescriptorinfo.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_whitelist.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_generate.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_disable.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_named_arguments.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_discover.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signmessage.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_externalip.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_discover.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_help.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_externalip.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_net.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_disable.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_utxocache.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_net.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_validation.py started
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_uptime.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_utxocache.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_validation.py skipped
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_whitelist.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_help.py passed, Duration: 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1]
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] TEST | STATUS | DURATION
[16:41:02][Step 1/1]
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-cmdline.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-get-invalid-block.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-chains.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-message.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-magnetic-anomaly-mining.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-minimaldata.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-replay-protection.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-schnorr.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-schnorrmultisig.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-segwit-recovery.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-sync-chain.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc-transaction-ordering.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_avalanche_options.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_minerfund.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_parkedchain.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_persist_avapeers.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_feature_proof_cleanup.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mempool_chainedtx.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mining_basic.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_cooldown.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py | ✓ Passed | 45 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py | ✓ Passed | 27 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_compactproofs.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py | ✓ Passed | 50 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py | ✓ Passed | 28 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py | ✓ Passed | 22 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_version_timestamp.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_addavalanchenode.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py | ✓ Passed | 14 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_buildavalancheproof.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_ecash.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_excessiveblock.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalanchepeerinfo.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheproofs.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_invalidateavalancheproof.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_mocktime.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_dumpcoins.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_standardness.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] example_test.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_abortnode.py | ✓ Passed | 33 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_addrman.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_anchors.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_asmap.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_assumevalid.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_extra.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_blockfilterindex_prune.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_blocksdir.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_cltv.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_coinstatsindex.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_config_args.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_csv_activation.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_dersig.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_deterministic_chain_setup.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_dirsymlinks.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_fastprune.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_filelock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_help.py | ✓ Passed | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_includeconf.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_init.py | ✓ Passed | 15 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_loadblock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_logging.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_maxtipage.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_maxuploadtarget.py | ✓ Passed | 19 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_minchainwork.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_notifications.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_proxy.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_reindex.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_remove_pruned_files_on_startup.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_settings.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_shutdown.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_tx_version.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_uaclient.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_uacomment.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_utxo_set_hash.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_bitcoin_cli.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_http.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_rest.py | ✓ Passed | 34 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_rpc.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_zmq.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_accept.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_expiry.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_limit.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_packages.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_persist.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_reorg.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_resurrect.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_spend_coinbase.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mempool_unbroadcast.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mining_basic.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] mining_prioritisetransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_add_connections.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addr_relay.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addrfetch.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_addrv2_relay.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_block_sync.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_blockfilters.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_blocksonly.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_blocksonly.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_hb.py | ✓ Passed | 15 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_disconnect_ban.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_dos_header_tree.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_eviction.py | ✓ Passed | 30 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_feefilter.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_filter.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_fingerprint.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_getaddr_caching.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_getdata.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_headers_sync_with_minchainwork.py | ✓ Passed | 14 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_i2p_ports.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_stalling.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_txrelay.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_initial_headers_sync.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_block.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_locator.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_messages.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_tx.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_leak.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_leak_tx.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_message_capture.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_nobloomfilter_messages.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_node_network_limited.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_permissions.py | ✓ Passed | 15 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_ping.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_sendheaders.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_timeouts.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] p2p_unrequested_blocks.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py | ✓ Passed | 36 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv4 | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv6 | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --nonloopback | ✓ Passed | 33 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_blockchain.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_decodescript.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deprecated.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_dumptxoutset.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_estimatefee.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 29 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 38 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_generate.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_generateblock.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfilter.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfrompeer.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockstats.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getchaintips.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_getdescriptorinfo.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_help.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_invalidateblock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_misc.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_named_arguments.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_net.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_packages.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_preciousblock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_scantxoutset.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_setban.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signmessage.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_txoutproof.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_uptime.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_users.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] rpc_whitelist.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_abandonconflict.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 24 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_backup.py | ✓ Passed | 57 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_basic.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_coinbase_category.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_create_tx.py | ✓ Passed | 35 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_descriptor.py | ✓ Passed | 71 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_disable.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_dump.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_groups.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py | ✓ Passed | 14 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_import_rescan.py | ✓ Passed | 35 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_import_with_label.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_importdescriptors.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_importmulti.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_listreceivedby.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 28 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_reorgsrestore.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_resendwallettransactions.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_send.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_startup.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_timelock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py --mineblock | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py --mineblock | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_avalanche.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_block.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_block_info.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_block_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_blockchain_info.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_blocks.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_chronik_info.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_cors.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_disable_token_index.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_disallow_prune.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_lokad_id_group.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_mempool_conflicts.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_pause.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_plugins_setup.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_raw_tx.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_resync.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_script_confirmed_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_script_history.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_script_unconfirmed_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_script_utxos.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_serve.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_spent_by.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_alp.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_broadcast_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_burn.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_id_group.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_parse_failure.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_script_group.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_fungible.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_mint_vault.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_nft1.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_tx.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_tx_removal_order.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_ws.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ordering.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ping.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_script.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_discover.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_externalip.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_net.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_utxocache.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_validation.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_mining_stakingrewards.py | ✖ Failed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py | ✖ Failed | 64 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py | ✖ Failed | 6 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py | ✖ Failed | 69 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_isfinal.py | ✖ Failed | 64 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1]
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] ALL | ✖ Failed | 2088 s (accumulated)
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] Runtime: 418 s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1]
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [249/862] cd /work/contrib/devtools/chainparams && /usr/bin/python3.9 ./test_make_chainparams.py
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] .....
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] Ran 5 tests in 0.001s
[16:41:02][Step 1/1]
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] OK
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [256/862] Running secp256k1 test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: secp256k1 test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [284/862] Running seeder test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: seeder test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [290/862] Running pow test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: pow test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [299/862] Running bitcoin-qt test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: bitcoin-qt test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [833/862] Running bitcoin-upgrade-activated test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: bitcoin-upgrade-activated test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [845/862] Running bitcoin test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: bitcoin test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [855/862] Running leveldb test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] PASSED: leveldb test suite
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] [858/862] avalanche: testing processor_tests
[16:41:02][Step 1/1] FAILED: src/avalanche/test/CMakeFiles/check-avalanche-processor_tests
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] cd /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/src/avalanche/test && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/junit && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/log && /usr/bin/cmake -E env /work/cmake/utils/log-and-print-on-failure.sh /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/log/avalanche-processor_tests.log /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/src/avalanche/test/test-avalanche --run_test=processor_tests --logger=HRF,message:JUNIT,message,avalanche-processor_tests.xml --catch_system_errors=no
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Running 45 test cases...
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] ../../src/avalanche/test/processor_tests.cpp(2232): error: in "processor_tests/block_reconcile_initial_vote": check invs.size() == 1 has failed [0 != 1]
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] FAILED: test/CMakeFiles/check-functional
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] cd /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/junit && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/log && /usr/bin/cmake -E env /usr/bin/python3.9 ./functional/test_runner.py "--testsuitename=Bitcoin ABC functional tests" --junitoutput=/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/junit/functional_tests.xml
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] [859/862] Running functional tests with the next upgrade activated
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Starting Bitcoin ABC functional tests with the next upgrade activated
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Temporary test directory at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] .........
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Ran 9 tests in 0.076s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1]
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] OK
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Running Unit Tests for Test Framework Modules
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_descriptor.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_backup.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_abortnode.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --nonloopback started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --nonloopback passed, Duration: 33 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_abortnode.py passed, Duration: 33 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py passed, Duration: 35 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_eviction.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_descriptor.py passed, Duration: 37 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py --descriptors started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_backup.py passed, Duration: 38 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 19 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py passed, Duration: 27 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_eviction.py passed, Duration: 27 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_avalanche.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_avalanche.py skipped
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py --descriptors started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py passed, Duration: 30 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_create_tx.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py passed, Duration: 25 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_import_rescan.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py passed, Duration: 27 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 24 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py passed, Duration: 28 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_import_rescan.py passed, Duration: 32 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_config_args.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_create_tx.py passed, Duration: 34 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_resendwallettransactions.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_resendwallettransactions.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_compactproofs.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli passed, Duration: 23 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_isfinal.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py passed, Duration: 21 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_maxuploadtarget.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py passed, Duration: 21 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] interface_rest.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_config_args.py passed, Duration: 19 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_compactproofs.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_basic.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_maxuploadtarget.py passed, Duration: 19 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc-cmdline.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] wallet_basic.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] interface_rest.py passed, Duration: 35 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_resync.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc-cmdline.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_add_connections.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_resync.py skipped
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_addr_relay.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_headers_sync_with_minchainwork.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_add_connections.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_deprecated.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_addr_relay.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_headers_sync_with_minchainwork.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_ws.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_ws.py skipped
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ordering.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ordering.py skipped
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_csv_activation.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_isfinal.py failed, Duration: 64 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1]
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:42:50.636000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_rpc_isfinal_22
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.221000Z TestFramework.utils (ERROR): wait_until() failed. Predicate: ''''
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(blockhash))
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] '''
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.221000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_rpc_isfinal.py", line 77, in run_test
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(blockhash))
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 824, in wait_until
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] return wait_until_helper(
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 297, in wait_until_helper
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] AssertionError: Predicate ''''
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(blockhash))
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] ''' not true after 60.0 seconds
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.271000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_rpc_isfinal_22
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_rpc_isfinal_22/test_framework.log
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_rpc_isfinal_22' to consolidate all logs
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:54.523000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:44:15][Step 1/1]
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:44:15][Step 1/1]
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] interface_zmq.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_permissions.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] rpc_deprecated.py passed, Duration: 20 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_sendheaders.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_csv_activation.py passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] interface_zmq.py passed, Duration: 18 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] feature_init.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] p2p_permissions.py passed, Duration: 15 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] mempool_persist.py started
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py failed, Duration: 6 s
[16:44:15][Step 1/1]
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:09.830000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.003000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py", line 170, in run_test
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] new_block(
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py", line 149, in new_block
[16:44:15][Step 1/1] assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), expected_tip)
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 61, in assert_equal
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] AssertionError: not(68c66a42dd45f06ab33c5518035c4aeab00afb470989eb7b0cbcc0a6e39a7078 == 73c4074998a554d9a29a7f575f3865d5d01ddbe84f6162985c63b4637a66acc5)
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.054000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.306000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42/test_framework.log
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards_42' to consolidate all logs
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:15.307000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1]
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:45:27][Step 1/1]
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_hb.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] p2p_sendheaders.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py --descriptors started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py failed, Duration: 69 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1]
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:15.683000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:16.809000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes are unknown while the quorum is not established
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:16.878000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on valid mempool transactions
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:18.914000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on recently mined transactions
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:19.538000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on unknown transactions
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:19.592000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on invalid transactions
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:19.696000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the votes on orphan transactions
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:43:19.801000Z TestFramework (INFO): Check the node polls for transactions added to the mempool
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:23.744000Z TestFramework.utils (ERROR): wait_until() failed. Predicate: ''''
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_finalized_block(tip))
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] '''
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:23.745000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py", line 176, in run_test
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_finalized_block(tip))
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 824, in wait_until
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] return wait_until_helper(
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 297, in wait_until_helper
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] AssertionError: Predicate ''''
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_finalized_block(tip))
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] ''' not true after 60.0 seconds
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:23.796000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.098000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.098000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28/test_framework.log
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.098000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.099000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting_28' to consolidate all logs
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.099000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.099000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.100000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.100000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:45:27][Step 1/1]
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:45:27][Step 1/1]
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] feature_init.py passed, Duration: 15 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py --descriptors started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_hb.py passed, Duration: 14 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] abc_feature_parkedchain.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] mempool_persist.py passed, Duration: 19 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_importdescriptors.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] abc_feature_parkedchain.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 16 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_send.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_messages.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_importdescriptors.py passed, Duration: 14 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_dump.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_messages.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_send.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalanchepeerinfo.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_script.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_script.py skipped
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] feature_minchainwork.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_dump.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] mempool_packages.py started
[16:45:27][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py passed, Duration: 12 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] p2p_blockfilters.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalanchepeerinfo.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] rpc_net.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] feature_minchainwork.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] wallet_groups.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] mempool_packages.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py --descriptors started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] p2p_blockfilters.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py --descriptors started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] rpc_net.py passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] abc_feature_persist_avapeers.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] wallet_groups.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] chronik_disable_token_index.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] chronik_disable_token_index.py skipped
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] feature_blockfilterindex_prune.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] p2p_blocksonly.py started
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py failed, Duration: 64 s
[16:45:28][Step 1/1]
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:24.217000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:27.404000Z TestFramework (INFO): Miner fund test case: address: ecregtest:prfhcnyqnl5cgrnmlfmms675w93ld7mvvq9jcw0zsn, fund amount: 2679592423
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:44:27.641000Z TestFramework (INFO): Miner fund test case: address: ecregtest:pqv2r67sgz3qumufap3h2uuj0zfmnzuv8v38gtrh5v, fund amount: 1159883928
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.725000Z TestFramework.utils (ERROR): wait_until() failed. Predicate: ''''
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_accepted_tip(block.hash))
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] '''
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.725000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py", line 195, in run_test
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] self.run_for_ratio(MINER_FUND_RATIO)
[16:45:28][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py", line 166, in run_for_ratio
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] new_block(node.getbestblockhash(), addr, amount)
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py", line 135, in new_block
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_accepted_tip(block.hash))
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 824, in wait_until
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] return wait_until_helper(
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/util.py", line 297, in wait_until_helper
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] raise AssertionError(
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] AssertionError: Predicate ''''
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] self.wait_until(lambda: has_accepted_tip(block.hash))
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] ''' not true after 60.0 seconds
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.776000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47/test_framework.log
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund_47' to consolidate all logs
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:45:27.977000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1]
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:46:44][Step 1/1]
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_node_network_limited.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_blockchain.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_blockfilterindex_prune.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_feature_persist_avapeers.py passed, Duration: 13 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_node_network_limited.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheproofs.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_blockchain.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_lokad_id_group.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_lokad_id_group.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_maxtipage.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_blocksonly.py passed, Duration: 17 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_uaclient.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] mempool_unbroadcast.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 11 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_maxtipage.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheproofs.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ping.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ping.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_assumevalid.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_uaclient.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_importmulti.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] mempool_unbroadcast.py passed, Duration: 10 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_cooldown.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_script_confirmed_txs.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_script_confirmed_txs.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_asmap.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_assumevalid.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_notifications.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] interface_bitcoin_cli.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_cooldown.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_stalling.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_importmulti.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_leak.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_asmap.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_abandonconflict.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] interface_bitcoin_cli.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_notifications.py passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_stalling.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_leak.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_abandonconflict.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listreceivedby.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc-magnetic-anomaly-mining.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_mining_stakingrewards.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py passed, Duration: 9 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_block.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_block.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_pause.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_pause.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_script_history.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_script_history.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_serve.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] chronik_serve.py skipped
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_coinstatsindex.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listreceivedby.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_logging.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc-magnetic-anomaly-mining.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] mining_prioritisetransaction.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 8 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_feefilter.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] abc_mining_stakingrewards.py failed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1]
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] stdout:
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:14.124000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:17.182000Z TestFramework (INFO): Staking rewards not ready yet, check getblocktemplate lacks the staking rewards data
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:17.188000Z TestFramework (INFO): Staking rewards not ready yet, check the miner doesn't produce the staking rewards output
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:17.326000Z TestFramework (INFO): Staking rewards are computed, check the block template returns the staking rewards data
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:19.647000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] Traceback (most recent call last):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 147, in main
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] self._run_test_internal()
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py", line 137, in _run_test_internal
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] self.run_test()
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] File "/work/test/functional/abc_mining_stakingrewards.py", line 144, in run_test
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] assert "stakingrewards" in gbt["coinbasetxn"]
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] AssertionError
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:19.698000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.000000Z TestFramework (WARNING): Not cleaning up dir /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.000000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Test failed. Test logging available at /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102/test_framework.log
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.000000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.001000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Hint: Call /work/test/functional/combine_logs.py '/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/tmp/test_runner_₿₵_ _20240603_164102/abc_mining_stakingrewards_102' to consolidate all logs
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.001000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.001000Z TestFramework (ERROR): If this failure happened unexpectedly or intermittently, please file a bug and provide a link or upload of the combined log.
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.001000Z TestFramework (ERROR): https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] 2024-06-03T16:46:20.001000Z TestFramework (ERROR):
[16:46:44][Step 1/1]
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] stderr:
[16:46:44][Step 1/1]
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_getaddr_caching.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_coinstatsindex.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_users.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] feature_logging.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_feefilter.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --descriptors started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] p2p_getaddr_caching.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --usecli started
[16:46:44][Step 1/1] rpc_users.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_plugins_setup.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_plugins_setup.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_alp.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_alp.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_addrman.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_reindex.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --usecli passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mining_basic.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_addrman.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_tx.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py --descriptors started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mining_basic.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_reindex.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mining_prioritisetransaction.py passed, Duration: 20 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_tx.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_reorgsrestore.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 7 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-transaction-ordering.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_feature_proof_cleanup.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_standardness.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_block_txs.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_reorgsrestore.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_blockchain_info.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_block_txs.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_blocks.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_blockchain_info.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_cors.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_blocks.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_mempool_conflicts.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_cors.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_script_unconfirmed_txs.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_mempool_conflicts.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_script_utxos.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_script_unconfirmed_txs.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_spent_by.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_script_utxos.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_burn.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-transaction-ordering.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_id_group.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_spent_by.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_parse_failure.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_burn.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_script_group.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_id_group.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_fungible.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_parse_failure.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_mint_vault.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_script_group.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_nft1.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_fungible.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_tx.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_mint_vault.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_cltv.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_nft1.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_dersig.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_tx.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_settings.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_feature_proof_cleanup.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_tx_version.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_standardness.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mempool_limit.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_cltv.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_filter.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_dersig.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_unrequested_blocks.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_settings.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_tx_version.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_estimatefee.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mempool_limit.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_getchaintips.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_filter.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_scantxoutset.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_unrequested_blocks.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_setban.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_estimatefee.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_startup.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py --mineblock started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_getchaintips.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py --mineblock started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_setban.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_scantxoutset.py passed, Duration: 5 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-schnorr.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_excessiveblock.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_startup.py passed, Duration: 6 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_invalidateavalancheproof.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-schnorr.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_block_info.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_block_info.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_chronik_info.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_chronik_info.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_raw_tx.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_raw_tx.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_broadcast_txs.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py --mineblock passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_tx_removal_order.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py --mineblock passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_anchors.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_token_broadcast_txs.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_includeconf.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] chronik_tx_removal_order.py skipped
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_loadblock.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_excessiveblock.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_remove_pruned_files_on_startup.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_loadblock.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_uacomment.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_invalidateavalancheproof.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mempool_accept.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_anchors.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mempool_reorg.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_includeconf.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_block_sync.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_remove_pruned_files_on_startup.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_blocksonly.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mempool_reorg.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_disconnect_ban.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] feature_uacomment.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_dos_header_tree.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] mempool_accept.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_i2p_ports.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_block_sync.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv4 started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv4 passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv6 started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_disconnect_ban.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_generateblock.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_blocksonly.py passed, Duration: 4 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_misc.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_dos_header_tree.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] p2p_i2p_ports.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py --descriptors started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_generateblock.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv6 passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py --usecli started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] rpc_misc.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-get-invalid-block.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py --descriptors passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-chains.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-get-invalid-block.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-message.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-chains.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-minimaldata.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py --usecli passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-replay-protection.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-schnorrmultisig.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-segwit-recovery.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-message.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-sync-chain.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-minimaldata.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_feature_avalanche_options.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-replay-protection.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_feature_minerfund.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-segwit-recovery.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_mining_basic.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-schnorrmultisig.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_version_timestamp.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc-sync-chain.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_addavalanchenode.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_feature_minerfund.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_ecash.py started
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_mining_basic.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:29][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_dumpcoins.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_feature_avalanche_options.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] example_test.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_addavalanchenode.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_extra.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_version_timestamp.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_blocksdir.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_dumpcoins.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_deterministic_chain_setup.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_ecash.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_dirsymlinks.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_extra.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_shutdown.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] example_test.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_utxo_set_hash.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_blocksdir.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_http.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_deterministic_chain_setup.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_rpc.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_dirsymlinks.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_expiry.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_utxo_set_hash.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addrfetch.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_shutdown.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_fingerprint.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_http.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_txrelay.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_rpc.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_initial_headers_sync.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_expiry.py passed, Duration: 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_block.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addrfetch.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_locator.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_fingerprint.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_nobloomfilter_messages.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_txrelay.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ping.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_initial_headers_sync.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfilter.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_block.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfrompeer.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_locator.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockstats.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ping.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_help.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_nobloomfilter_messages.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_invalidateblock.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfilter.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_packages.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockstats.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_preciousblock.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfrompeer.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_txoutproof.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_invalidateblock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_coinbase_category.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_help.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_import_with_label.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_packages.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_timelock.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_preciousblock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_txoutproof.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_mempool_chainedtx.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_coinbase_category.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_buildavalancheproof.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_import_with_label.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_mocktime.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_timelock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_disallow_prune.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_disallow_prune.py skipped
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_fastprune.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_buildavalancheproof.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_filelock.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_mempool_chainedtx.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_proxy.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_mocktime.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_resurrect.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_spend_coinbase.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_proxy.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addrv2_relay.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_fastprune.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_getdata.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_filelock.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_leak_tx.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_resurrect.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_message_capture.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_spend_coinbase.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_timeouts.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_getdata.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_decodescript.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addrv2_relay.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_leak_tx.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py --usecli started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_message_capture.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_dumptxoutset.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_timeouts.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_generate.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_decodescript.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getdescriptorinfo.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_named_arguments.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py --usecli passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_signmessage.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_dumptxoutset.py passed, Duration: 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_uptime.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getdescriptorinfo.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_whitelist.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_generate.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_disable.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_named_arguments.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_discover.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_discover.py skipped
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_externalip.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_signmessage.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_help.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_externalip.py skipped
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_net.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_net.py skipped
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_utxocache.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_disable.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_validation.py started
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_utxocache.py skipped
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_uptime.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_validation.py skipped
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_help.py passed, Duration: 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_whitelist.py passed, Duration: 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1]
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] TEST | STATUS | DURATION
[16:47:42][Step 1/1]
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-cmdline.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-get-invalid-block.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-chains.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-invalid-message.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-magnetic-anomaly-mining.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-minimaldata.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-replay-protection.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-schnorr.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-schnorrmultisig.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-segwit-recovery.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-sync-chain.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc-transaction-ordering.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_feature_avalanche_options.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_feature_minerfund.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_feature_parkedchain.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_feature_persist_avapeers.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_feature_proof_cleanup.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_mempool_chainedtx.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_mining_basic.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_cooldown.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py | ✓ Passed | 21 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py | ✓ Passed | 30 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py | ✓ Passed | 25 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_compactproofs.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py | ✓ Passed | 27 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py | ✓ Passed | 27 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py | ✓ Passed | 21 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_version_timestamp.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_addavalanchenode.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_buildavalancheproof.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_ecash.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_excessiveblock.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalanchepeerinfo.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_getavalancheproofs.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_invalidateavalancheproof.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_mocktime.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_dumpcoins.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] abc_wallet_standardness.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] example_test.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_abortnode.py | ✓ Passed | 33 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_addrman.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_anchors.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_asmap.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_assumevalid.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_bind_extra.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_blockfilterindex_prune.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_blocksdir.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_cltv.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_coinstatsindex.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_config_args.py | ✓ Passed | 19 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_csv_activation.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_dersig.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_deterministic_chain_setup.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_dirsymlinks.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_fastprune.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_filelock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_help.py | ✓ Passed | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_includeconf.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_init.py | ✓ Passed | 15 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_loadblock.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_logging.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_maxtipage.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_maxuploadtarget.py | ✓ Passed | 19 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_minchainwork.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_notifications.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_proxy.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_reindex.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_remove_pruned_files_on_startup.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_settings.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_shutdown.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_tx_version.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_uaclient.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_uacomment.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] feature_utxo_set_hash.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_bitcoin_cli.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_http.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_rest.py | ✓ Passed | 35 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_rpc.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] interface_zmq.py | ✓ Passed | 18 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_accept.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_expiry.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_limit.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_packages.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_persist.py | ✓ Passed | 19 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_reorg.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_resurrect.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_spend_coinbase.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mempool_unbroadcast.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mining_basic.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] mining_prioritisetransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 20 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_add_connections.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addr_relay.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addrfetch.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_addrv2_relay.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_block_sync.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_blockfilters.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_blocksonly.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks.py | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_blocksonly.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_compactblocks_hb.py | ✓ Passed | 14 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_disconnect_ban.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_dos_header_tree.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_eviction.py | ✓ Passed | 27 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_feefilter.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_filter.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_fingerprint.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_getaddr_caching.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_getdata.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_headers_sync_with_minchainwork.py | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_i2p_ports.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_stalling.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ibd_txrelay.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_initial_headers_sync.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_block.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_locator.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_messages.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_invalid_tx.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_leak.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_leak_tx.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_message_capture.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_nobloomfilter_messages.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_node_network_limited.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_permissions.py | ✓ Passed | 15 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_ping.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_sendheaders.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_timeouts.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] p2p_unrequested_blocks.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py | ✓ Passed | 35 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv4 | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --ipv6 | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_bind.py --nonloopback | ✓ Passed | 33 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_blockchain.py | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_createmultisig.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_decodescript.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deprecated.py | ✓ Passed | 20 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_deriveaddresses.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_dumptxoutset.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_estimatefee.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 28 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_fundrawtransaction.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 19 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_generate.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_generateblock.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfilter.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockfrompeer.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getblockstats.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getchaintips.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_getdescriptorinfo.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_help.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_invalidateblock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_misc.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_named_arguments.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_net.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_packages.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_preciousblock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_rawtransaction.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_scantxoutset.py | ✓ Passed | 5 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_setban.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_signmessage.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_signrawtransaction.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_txoutproof.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_uptime.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_users.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] rpc_whitelist.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] tool_wallet.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_abandonconflict.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_address_types.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 16 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_avoidreuse.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 24 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_backup.py | ✓ Passed | 38 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_balance.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_basic.py | ✓ Passed | 17 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_coinbase_category.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_create_tx.py | ✓ Passed | 34 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_createwallet.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_descriptor.py | ✓ Passed | 37 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_disable.py | ✓ Passed | 1 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_dump.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_encryption.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 7 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_groups.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py | ✓ Passed | 12 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_hd.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_import_rescan.py | ✓ Passed | 32 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_import_with_label.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_importdescriptors.py | ✓ Passed | 14 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_importmulti.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_importprunedfunds.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool.py | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py | ✓ Passed | 11 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_keypool_topup.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py | ✓ Passed | 9 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_labels.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_listreceivedby.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_listsinceblock.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 10 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_listtransactions.py --descriptors | ✓ Passed | 8 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 23 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_reorgsrestore.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_resendwallettransactions.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_send.py | ✓ Passed | 13 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_startup.py | ✓ Passed | 6 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_timelock.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_clone.py --mineblock | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_txn_doublespend.py --mineblock | ✓ Passed | 4 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py | ✓ Passed | 2 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] wallet_watchonly.py --usecli | ✓ Passed | 3 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_avalanche.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_block.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_block_info.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_block_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_blockchain_info.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_blocks.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_chronik_info.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_cors.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_disable_token_index.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_disallow_prune.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_lokad_id_group.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_mempool_conflicts.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_pause.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_plugins_setup.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_raw_tx.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_resync.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_script_confirmed_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_script_history.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_script_unconfirmed_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_script_utxos.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_serve.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_spent_by.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_alp.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_broadcast_txs.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_burn.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_id_group.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_parse_failure.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_script_group.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_fungible.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_mint_vault.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_token_slp_nft1.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_tx.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_tx_removal_order.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:42][Step 1/1] chronik_ws.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:43][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ordering.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:47:43][Step 1/1] Importing data from 'results/artifacts/junit/*.xml' (not existing file) with 'junit' processor
[16:47:43][Step 1/1] Publishing artifacts (40s)
[16:47:43][Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish: [+:results/artifacts=>artifacts.tar.gz]
[16:47:43][Step 1/1] Ant JUnit report watcher
[16:47:43][Ant JUnit report watcher] Watching paths:
[16:47:43][Ant JUnit report watcher] /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results/artifacts/junit/*.xml
[16:47:43][Publishing artifacts] Creating archive artifacts.tar.gz (30s)
[16:47:43][Creating archive artifacts.tar.gz] Creating /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/buildTmp/TarPreprocessor3569229834413190125/artifacts.tar.gz
[16:48:13][Creating archive artifacts.tar.gz] Archive was created, file size 301.69 MB (316349025 bytes)
[16:48:17][Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]: results/artifacts => artifacts.tar.gz
[16:48:17][Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]: results/artifacts => artifacts.tar.gz
[16:48:23][Step 1/1] Build build-diff failed with exit code 1
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_ping.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] chronik_ws_script.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_discover.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] feature_bind_port_externalip.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_net.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_utxocache.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] interface_usdt_validation.py | ○ Skipped | 0 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] abc_mining_stakingrewards.py | ✖ Failed | 6 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_minerfund.py | ✖ Failed | 64 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py | ✖ Failed | 6 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py | ✖ Failed | 69 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] abc_rpc_isfinal.py | ✖ Failed | 64 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1]
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] ALL | ✖ Failed | 1994 s (accumulated)
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] Runtime: 399 s
[16:48:13][Step 1/1]
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] FAILED: test/CMakeFiles/check-functional-upgrade-activated
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] cd /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/junit && /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/log && /usr/bin/cmake -E env /usr/bin/python3.9 ./functional/test_runner.py "--testsuitename=Bitcoin ABC functional tests with the next upgrade activated" --junitoutput=/work/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/test/junit/functional_tests_with_the_next_upgrade_activated.xml --with-augustoactivation
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] ninja: build stopped: cannot make progress due to previous errors.
[16:48:13][Step 1/1] Build build-diff failed with exit code 1
[16:48:37][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 1
[16:48:37][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 1 (Step: Command Line)
[16:48:37][Step 1/1] Waiting for 1 service processes to complete
[16:48:37][Step 1/1] Ant JUnit report watcher
[16:48:37][Ant JUnit report watcher] 7 reports found for paths:
[16:48:37][Ant JUnit report watcher] /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results/artifacts/junit/*.xml
[16:48:37][Ant JUnit report watcher] Successfully parsed
[16:48:37][Successfully parsed] 7 reports
[16:48:38][Step 1/1] Step Command Line failed
[16:48:38]Ant JUnit report watcher
[16:48:38][Ant JUnit report watcher] No reports found for paths:
[16:48:38][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/test_bitcoin.xml
[16:48:38][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/junit_results*.xml
[16:48:38][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/*junit.xml
[16:48:38]Publishing internal artifacts
[16:48:38][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[16:48:38][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[16:48:38]Publishing artifacts
[16:48:38][Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish: [+:results/**/junit_results*.xml, +:bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/gitian-results => build-diff.tar.gz, +:bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/*.log => artifacts.tar.gz]
[16:48:38][Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path 'results/**/junit_results*.xml' not found
[16:48:38][Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path 'bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/gitian-results' not found
[16:48:38][Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path 'bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/build-diff/*.log' not found
[16:48:39]Build finished


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