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Last recorded build

[19:08:50]Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots (7s)
[19:08:50][Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots] VCS Root details
[19:08:50][VCS Root details] "Bitcoin ABC Staging" {instance id=22, parent internal id=3, parent id=BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/bitcoin-abc-staging.git#refs/heads/master"}
[19:08:50][VCS Root details] "abc-infrastructure" {instance id=24, parent internal id=7, parent id=AutomatedDeployments_BitcoinAbcDeveloperTools_AbcInfrastructure, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/infrastructure.git#refs/heads/master"}
[19:08:58][Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots] Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'
[19:08:58][Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Upper limit revision: f86d042bf067dcdb8ff17edf92fc55524b692516
[19:08:58][Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Latest commit attached to build configuration (with id <= 69668): f86d042bf067dcdb8ff17edf92fc55524b692516
[19:08:58][Compute revision for 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Computed revision: f86d042bf067dcdb8ff17edf92fc55524b692516
[19:09:05]The build is removed from the queue to be prepared for the start
[19:09:07]Starting the build on the agent "buildagent7"
[19:09:07]Updating tools for build
[19:09:07][Updating tools for build] Tools are not required for the build
[19:09:07]Clearing temporary directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/buildTmp
[19:09:07]Publishing internal artifacts (2s)
[19:09:10][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[19:09:10][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[19:09:07]Clean build enabled: removing old files from /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:07]Checkout directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:07]Updating sources: agent side checkout (3s)
[19:09:07][Updating sources] Full checkout enforced. Reason: ["Delete all files before the build" turned on]
[19:09:07][Updating sources] VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging (3s)
[19:09:07][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] checkout rules: =>bitcoin-abc; revision: f86d042bf067dcdb8ff17edf92fc55524b692516
[19:09:07][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] Git version:
[19:09:07][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git) (2s)
[19:09:07][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git config http.sslCAInfo
[19:09:07][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git show-ref
[19:09:07][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= ls-remote origin
[19:09:08][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48280
[19:09:08][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48280
[19:09:08][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --recurse-submodules=no origin +refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48280:refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48280 (1s)
[19:09:09][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H%x20%s f86d042bf067dcdb8ff17edf92fc55524b692516 --
[19:09:09][Update git mirror (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git)] /usr/bin/git pack-refs --all
[19:09:09][VCS Root: Bitcoin ABC Staging] Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)
[19:09:09][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] The .git directory is missing in '/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc'. Running 'git init'...
[19:09:09][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git init
[19:09:09][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git config lfs.storage /home/teamcity/buildAgent/system/git/git-48AA3180.git/lfs
[19:09:09][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git config core.sparseCheckout true
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git config http.sslCAInfo
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git show-ref
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48280
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H%x20%s f86d042bf067dcdb8ff17edf92fc55524b692516 --
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= checkout -q -f phabricator/diff/48280
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git show-ref refs/tags/phabricator/diff/48280
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] Cleaning Bitcoin ABC Staging in /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc the file set ALL_UNTRACKED
[19:09:10][Update checkout directory (/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc)] /usr/bin/git clean -f -d -x
[19:09:10]Step 1/1: Command Line (1m:51s)
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] Ant JUnit report watcher
[19:09:10][Ant JUnit report watcher] Watching paths:
[19:09:10][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/test_bitcoin.xml
[19:09:10][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/junit_results*.xml
[19:09:10][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/*junit.xml
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] Starting: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/agentTmp/custom_script14155880440664996276
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] in directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + '[' -z alias-server-tests ']'
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + case alias-server-tests in
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ++ id -u
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + ME=1001
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + pushd bitcoin-abc
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ++ git rev-parse --short HEAD~
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + CACHE_HASH=eb0a68ec6
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ++ git rev-parse --short HEAD
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] Building base image for: f86d042bf...
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + HASH=f86d042bf
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + popd
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ++ pwd
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + RESULTS_DIR=/home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + echo 'Building base image for: f86d042bf...'
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ++ echo '[Infrastructure' 'Error]'
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + ERROR_PREFIX='[Infrastructure Error]'
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + export ERROR_PREFIX
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + export REGISTRY=registry.fabien.cash
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + REGISTRY=registry.fabien.cash
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + export BASE_IMAGE=debian:bullseye-slim
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + BASE_IMAGE=debian:bullseye-slim
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] + /home/teamcity/infra/ci-wrappers/build-abc-base-image.sh -c ./bitcoin-abc --cachetagname abc-base-image-eb0a68ec6 -r registry.fabien.cash -t abc-base-image-f86d042bf debian:bullseye-slim
[19:09:10][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/bitcoin-abc ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:14][Step 1/1] ~/buildAgent/work/jailed-build
[19:09:14][Step 1/1] Tag name: abc-base-image-f86d042bf
[19:09:54][Step 1/1] + cat
[19:09:54][Step 1/1] + chmod +x run-command.sh
[19:09:54][Step 1/1] + /home/teamcity/infra/docker/docker-run.sh -a '-v /home/teamcity/.ccache:/root/.ccache -v /home/teamcity/.abc-depends:/root/abc-depends -v /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results:/results' -c run-command.sh /work/run-command.sh -r registry.fabien.cash abc-base-image-f86d042bf ./run-command.sh
[19:09:58][Step 1/1] Starting build alias-server-tests
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Test depends on ecashaddrjs. Installing ecashaddrjs dependencies...
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] /work/modules/ecashaddrjs /work/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > ecashaddrjs@1.5.7 prepublish
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > npm run build
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > ecashaddrjs@1.5.7 build
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > webpack
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npx update-browserslist-db@latest
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/update-db#readme
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] asset cashaddrjs.js 157 KiB [emitted] (name: main)
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] runtime modules 123 bytes 1 module
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/ 132 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/*.js 17.8 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/sha256.js 4.99 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/_sha2.js 4.49 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 3 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/bs58check/*.js 1.5 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/index.js 233 bytes [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/base.js 1.27 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 6 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./src/*.js 21.7 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/cashaddr.js 15.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/base32.js 2.03 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/validation.js 1.16 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/convertBits.js 2.71 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] webpack 5.76.2 compiled successfully in 737 ms
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] asset cashaddrjs.min.js 61.1 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: main) 1 related asset
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] runtime modules 123 bytes 1 module
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/ 132 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/*.js 17.8 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/sha256.js 4.99 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/_sha2.js 4.49 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 3 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/bs58check/*.js 1.5 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/index.js 233 bytes [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/base.js 1.27 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 6 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./src/*.js 21.7 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/cashaddr.js 15.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/base32.js 2.03 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/validation.js 1.16 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/convertBits.js 2.71 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] webpack 5.76.2 compiled successfully in 1526 ms
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] added 547 packages, and audited 548 packages in 5s
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 60 packages are looking for funding
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] run `npm fund` for details
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 1 high severity vulnerability
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] To address all issues, run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm audit fix
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Run `npm audit` for details.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > ecashaddrjs@1.5.7 build
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > webpack
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npx update-browserslist-db@latest
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/update-db#readme
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] asset cashaddrjs.js 157 KiB [compared for emit] (name: main)
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] runtime modules 123 bytes 1 module
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/ 132 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/*.js 17.8 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/sha256.js 4.99 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/_sha2.js 4.49 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 3 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/bs58check/*.js 1.5 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/index.js 233 bytes [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/base.js 1.27 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 6 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./src/*.js 21.7 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/cashaddr.js 15.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/base32.js 2.03 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/validation.js 1.16 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/convertBits.js 2.71 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] webpack 5.76.2 compiled successfully in 742 ms
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] asset cashaddrjs.min.js 61.1 KiB [compared for emit] [minimized] (name: main) 1 related asset
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] runtime modules 123 bytes 1 module
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/ 132 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/*.js 17.8 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/sha256.js 4.99 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/@noble/hashes/_sha2.js 4.49 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 3 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./node_modules/bs58check/*.js 1.5 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/index.js 233 bytes [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./node_modules/bs58check/base.js 1.27 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] + 6 modules
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] modules by path ./src/*.js 21.7 KiB
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/cashaddr.js 15.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/base32.js 2.03 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/validation.js 1.16 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] ./src/convertBits.js 2.71 KiB [built] [code generated]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] webpack 5.76.2 compiled successfully in 1507 ms
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Test depends on mock-chronik-client. Installing mock-chronik-client dependencies...
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] /work/modules/mock-chronik-client /work/modules/ecashaddrjs /work/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] added 231 packages, and audited 233 packages in 1s
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 34 packages are looking for funding
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] run `npm fund` for details
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 1 high severity vulnerability
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] To address all issues, run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm audit fix
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Run `npm audit` for details.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Test does not depend on ecash-lib-wasm, skipping
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Test depends on chronik-client. Building TypeScript...
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] /work/modules/chronik-client /work/modules/mock-chronik-client /work/modules/ecashaddrjs /work/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > chronik-client@0.28.0 prepublish
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > npm run build
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > chronik-client@0.28.0 build
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > tsc
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] added 265 packages, and audited 267 packages in 5s
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 48 packages are looking for funding
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] run `npm fund` for details
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 2 vulnerabilities (1 moderate, 1 high)
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] To address all issues, run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm audit fix
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Run `npm audit` for details.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Test depends on ecash-script. Installing ecash-script dependencies...
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] /work/modules/ecash-script /work/modules/chronik-client /work/modules/mock-chronik-client /work/modules/ecashaddrjs /work/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] added 284 packages, and audited 285 packages in 1s
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 44 packages are looking for funding
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] run `npm fund` for details
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 1 high severity vulnerability
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] To address all issues, run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm audit fix
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Run `npm audit` for details.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Test does not depend on ecash-coinselect, skipping ecash-coinselect dependencies...
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] /work/apps/alias-server /work/modules/ecash-script /work/modules/chronik-client /work/modules/mock-chronik-client /work/modules/ecashaddrjs /work/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm warn deprecated request-promise@4.2.6: request-promise has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm warn deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm warn deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm warn deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] added 610 packages, and audited 614 packages in 5s
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 97 packages are looking for funding
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] run `npm fund` for details
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] 10 vulnerabilities (8 moderate, 2 high)
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] To address issues that do not require attention, run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm audit fix
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] npm audit fix --force
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Run `npm audit` for details.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] CI not configured to test build.
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > alias-server@1.0.0 test
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] > mocha --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options mochaFile=test_results/alias-server-junit.xml --reporter-options testsuitesTitle=Alias Server Unit Tests --reporter-options rootSuiteTitle=Alias Server
[19:10:20][Step 1/1]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Connected successfully to MongoDB server
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Initialized serverState on app startup
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Configured connection to database ecashAliases
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 is not avalanche finalized after NaN ms. Exiting handleBlockConnected().
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Connected successfully to MongoDB server
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Initialized serverState on app startup
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Configured connection to database ecashAliases
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 is not avalanche finalized after NaN ms. Exiting handleBlockConnected().
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Block 000000000000000007b5922b3e385d6d3408b61ef25af41bcc9e665462fcaf49 is not avalanche finalized after NaN ms. Exiting handleBlockConnected().
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Connected successfully to MongoDB server
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Initialized serverState on app startup
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Configured connection to database ecashAliases
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Checking for new aliases on startup
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 is not avalanche finalized after NaN ms. Exiting handleBlockConnected().
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Importing data from 'results/artifacts/junit/*.xml' (not existing file) with 'junit' processor
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Publishing artifacts (4s)
[19:10:20][Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish: [+:results/artifacts=>artifacts.tar.gz]
[19:10:20][Step 1/1] Ant JUnit report watcher
[19:10:20][Ant JUnit report watcher] Watching paths:
[19:10:20][Ant JUnit report watcher] /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results/artifacts/junit/*.xml
[19:10:20][Publishing artifacts] Creating archive artifacts.tar.gz
[19:10:20][Creating archive artifacts.tar.gz] Creating /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/buildTmp/TarPreprocessor14353101397145681152/artifacts.tar.gz
[19:10:20][Creating archive artifacts.tar.gz] Archive was created, file size 2.9 KB (2972 bytes)
[19:10:25][Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]: results/artifacts => artifacts.tar.gz
[19:10:25][Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]: results/artifacts => artifacts.tar.gz
[19:10:25][Step 1/1] Build alias-server-tests failed with exit code 4
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Connected successfully to MongoDB server
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Initialized serverState on app startup
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Configured connection to database ecashAliases
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Connected to websocket
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Checking for new aliases on startup
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 is not avalanche finalized after NaN ms. Exiting handleBlockConnected().
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] ------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|----------------------------------
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] ------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|----------------------------------
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] All files | 80 | 81.76 | 82.45 | 80.15 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias-server | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] config.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] secrets.sample.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias-server/constants | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias-server/src | 79.88 | 81.76 | 82.45 | 80.03 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias.js | 98.03 | 94.23 | 100 | 97.97 | 175,189
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] app.js | 96.66 | 68.18 | 100 | 96.66 | 118,126
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] chronik.js | 53.73 | 83.33 | 28.57 | 53.96 | ...6-102,113-118,126-127,151-196
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] chronikWsHandler.js | 82.6 | 50 | 66.66 | 82.6 | 36,101-106,115
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] db.js | 81.7 | 91.66 | 100 | 81.7 | ...8,213,261-263,280-282,307-308
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] events.js | 46.26 | 38.88 | 100 | 45.45 | 50-55,127-132,142-154,168-270
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] main.js | 42.1 | 33.33 | 50 | 42.1 | 44-47,72-85
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] rpc.js | 93.75 | 83.33 | 100 | 93.75 | 36
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] telegram.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] utils.js | 96.66 | 96.66 | 80 | 98.24 | 110
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] ------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|----------------------------------
[19:10:21][Step 1/1]
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Code Coverage Summary
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] Build alias-server-tests failed with exit code 4
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias-server chronikWsHandler.js
[19:10:21][alias-server chronikWsHandler.js] parseWebsocketMessage correctly processes a chronik websocket BlockConnected message if block is avalanche finalized.alias-server chronikWsHandler.js parseWebsocketMessage correctly processes a chronik websocket BlockConnected message if block is avalanche finalized
[19:10:21][parseWebsocketMessage correctly processes a chronik websocket BlockConnected message if block is avalanche finalized.alias-server chronikWsHandler.js parseWebsocketMessage correctly processes a chronik websocket BlockConnected message if block is avalanche finalized] AssertionError: Expected values to be strictly equal: + actual - expected + false - 'Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598'
[19:10:21][parseWebsocketMessage correctly processes a chronik websocket BlockConnected message if block is avalanche finalized.alias-server chronikWsHandler.js parseWebsocketMessage correctly processes a chronik websocket BlockConnected message if block is avalanche finalized] AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be strictly equal: + actual - expected + false - 'Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598' at Context.<anonymous> (test/chronikWsHandler.test.js:186:16) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) + expected - actual: failed to generate Mocha diff
[19:10:21][alias-server chronikWsHandler.js] If parseWebsocketMessage is called before a previous call to handleBlockConnected has completed, the next call to handleBlockConnected will not enter until the first is completed.alias-server chronikWsHandler.js If parseWebsocketMessage is called before a previous call to handleBlockConnected has completed, the next call to handleBlockConnected will not enter until the first is completed
[19:10:21][If parseWebsocketMessage is called before a previous call to handleBlockConnected has completed, the next call to handleBlockConnected will not enter until the first is completed.alias-server chronikWsHandler.js If parseWebsocketMessage is called before a previous call to handleBlockConnected has completed, the next call to handleBlockConnected will not enter until the first is completed] AssertionError: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal: [ false, false ] should loosely deep-equal [ 'Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598', 'Alias registrations updated to block 000000000000000007b5922b3e385d6d3408b61ef25af41bcc9e665462fcaf49 at height 792599' ]
[19:10:21][If parseWebsocketMessage is called before a previous call to handleBlockConnected has completed, the next call to handleBlockConnected will not enter until the first is completed.alias-server chronikWsHandler.js If parseWebsocketMessage is called before a previous call to handleBlockConnected has completed, the next call to handleBlockConnected will not enter until the first is completed] AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal: [ false, false ] should loosely deep-equal [ 'Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598', 'Alias registrations updated to block 000000000000000007b5922b3e385d6d3408b61ef25af41bcc9e665462fcaf49 at height 792599' ] at Context.<anonymous> (test/chronikWsHandler.test.js:333:16) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) + expected - actual [ - false - false + "Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598" + "Alias registrations updated to block 000000000000000007b5922b3e385d6d3408b61ef25af41bcc9e665462fcaf49 at height 792599" ]
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias-server events.js
[19:10:21][alias-server events.js] handleAppStartup calls handleBlockConnected with tipHeight and completes function if block is avalanche finalized, and also removes pendingAliases that are in the avalanche confirmed block.alias-server events.js handleAppStartup calls handleBlockConnected with tipHeight and completes function if block is avalanche finalized, and also removes pendingAliases that are in the avalanche confirmed block
[19:10:21][handleAppStartup calls handleBlockConnected with tipHeight and completes function if block is avalanche finalized, and also removes pendingAliases that are in the avalanche confirmed block.alias-server events.js handleAppStartup calls handleBlockConnected with tipHeight and completes function if block is avalanche finalized, and also removes pendingAliases that are in the avalanche confirmed block] AssertionError: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal: [ { address: 'ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj', alias: '1', tipHeight: 785000, txid: 'ec92610fc41df2387e7febbb358b138a802ac26023f30b2442aa01ca733fff7d' }, { address: 'ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj', alias: '22', tipHeight: 785000, txid: '922bed591461d74c2f2b177b4a28c29a28f5d81ca6cd2859dd31bec086c6a5e2' }, { address: 'ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj', alias: '333', tipHeight: 785000, txid: '0c77e... should loosely deep-equal []
[19:10:21][handleAppStartup calls handleBlockConnected with tipHeight and completes function if block is avalanche finalized, and also removes pendingAliases that are in the avalanche confirmed block.alias-server events.js handleAppStartup calls handleBlockConnected with tipHeight and completes function if block is avalanche finalized, and also removes pendingAliases that are in the avalanche confirmed block] AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal: [ { address: 'ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj', alias: '1', tipHeight: 785000, txid: 'ec92610fc41df2387e7febbb358b138a802ac26023f30b2442aa01ca733fff7d' }, { address: 'ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj', alias: '22', tipHeight: 785000, txid: '922bed591461d74c2f2b177b4a28c29a28f5d81ca6cd2859dd31bec086c6a5e2' }, { address: 'ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj', alias: '333', tipHeight: 785000, txid: '0c77e... should loosely deep-equal [] at Context.<anonymous> (test/events.test.js:163:16) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) + expected - actual -[ - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "1" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "ec92610fc41df2387e7febbb358b138a802ac26023f30b2442aa01ca733fff7d" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "22" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "922bed591461d74c2f2b177b4a28c29a28f5d81ca6cd2859dd31bec086c6a5e2" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "333" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "0c77e4f7e0ff4f1028372042cbeb97eaddb64d505efe960b5a1ca4fce65598e2" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qplkmuz3rx480u6vc4xgc0qxnza42p0e7vll6p90wr" - "alias": "4444" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "b4f4084bdc8e226595b215fa3b6588ad3464b664a57d870d0fed34f2c633b464" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qplkmuz3rx480u6vc4xgc0qxnza42p0e7vll6p90wr" - "alias": "55555" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "6a3a05b261c0ab49126f98e8f8c65f2117ac20acb7278ea8822465003d301781" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "666666" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "9f6a39b8d2af0d686a6282502f7ad51f4b759a896e28b6e9cc3a116e91347d2f" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qp89xgjhcqdnzzemts0aj378nfe2mhu9yvxj9nhgg6" - "alias": "7777777" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "fe6cb79d51edef91d57c780eddd1d101ba60e7e502b9e3b2e7a9bc7f1dd2aafc" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qp89xgjhcqdnzzemts0aj378nfe2mhu9yvxj9nhgg6" - "alias": "88888888" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "a26326c056fb9c3b5fa6489815488ee1cd4cf3c07f9fccd6a800d184ba72ba95" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qp89xgjhcqdnzzemts0aj378nfe2mhu9yvxj9nhgg6" - "alias": "999999999" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "6c28e87b76865466a383452576af70a2cc2186655697e36d115a6aadb1287c9c" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "addressinvalid" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "6792b6d77f3b12b4f4063fdd6ae372a9b8ff242ff073f264a20d4676ec065751" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035" - "alias": "eighteencharacters" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "ef3c8ea3c79ab0554982a016a96342e04a1b23e0d467dd343af3582cd074be6f" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qphlhe78677sz227k83hrh542qeehh8el5lcjwk72y" - "alias": "elevenchars" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "05c98dc565422071e88f8682ac07843f7ef06a338067a7f0999a21840ec3aa6a" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qphlhe78677sz227k83hrh542qeehh8el5lcjwk72y" - "alias": "fifteencharac15" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "1a88df48f476bf2857cd6c3e8b46b0fee8f0ff11adfa148d131d12609a7fa398" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qphpmfj0qn7znklqhrfn5dq7qh36l3vxav9up3h67g" - "alias": "fourteenchar14" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "67c479bc57d29c112135461f6acb02b60ddb5aa1f2e7982fe102353404155b29" - } - { - "address": "ecash:prfhcnyqnl5cgrnmlfmms675w93ld7mvvqd0y8lz07" - "alias": "ifp" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "cf6e83f79e62a067e490472acac8290e8ca7698c786d7b1fcaadcc1a8e66aebf" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035" - "alias": "nineteencharacter19" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "d64f3087818f62bdb7df9bbc68d03316e945239dc72d0b2e18854dd36ec4fade" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035" - "alias": "seventeencharac17" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "08901a881448e7074e6cac2922ce84c05f02ac32b2b8f37c3751489003e853e5" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035" - "alias": "sixteenchacter16" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "34fdfa4b251d4ed2d151f426441b11a04a649ecd9a6f53bd41868b7c9b222f7c" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qphlhe78677sz227k83hrh542qeehh8el5lcjwk72y" - "alias": "tenchars10" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "f2f1c1b5b0c3b1e405ea1abc9a4ff0018626ceecc425e9c571eb50a1e9bd0cb2" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qphpmfj0qn7znklqhrfn5dq7qh36l3vxav9up3h67g" - "alias": "thirteenchars" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "4b03803bbd21f77a5b583e3bf948e0e62524a660a5b560af08d74e20489341bc" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "twelvechar12" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "166b21d4631e2a6ec6110061f351c9c3bfb3a8d4e6919684df7e2824b42b0ffe" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035" - "alias": "twentycharacteralias" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "722a07ebf87b2516ea86583dab55b961df4e16973b15244cdc89bd256aba4586" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035" - "alias": "twentyonecharacters21" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "1102c6393469174bc99f373a9f988f773775285463d0dc59f43c69223b22b153" - } - { - "address": "ecash:qpmytrdsakt0axrrlswvaj069nat3p9s7cjctmjasj" - "alias": "xx" - "tipHeight": 785000 - "txid": "e9f0a9984b4ae354fb8b4dd8193c974074942b0ee6fba14bf85fa1ca14dc5987" - } -] +[]
[19:10:21][Step 1/1] alias-server main.js
[19:10:21][alias-server main.js] main() connects to a websocket, and runs handleAppStartup() correctly.alias-server main.js main() connects to a websocket, and runs handleAppStartup() correctly
[19:10:21][main() connects to a websocket, and runs handleAppStartup() correctly.alias-server main.js main() connects to a websocket, and runs handleAppStartup() correctly] AssertionError: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal: false should loosely deep-equal 'Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598'
[19:10:21][main() connects to a websocket, and runs handleAppStartup() correctly.alias-server main.js main() connects to a websocket, and runs handleAppStartup() correctly] AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal: false should loosely deep-equal 'Alias registrations updated to block 00000000000000000c36528b468fac70aa50c15cea9b7017ff7df53f7d0786c8 at height 792598' at Context.<anonymous> (test/main.test.js:119:16) + expected - actual: failed to generate Mocha diff
[19:11:01][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 4
[19:11:01][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 4 (Step: Command Line)
[19:11:01][Step 1/1] Waiting for 1 service processes to complete
[19:11:01][Step 1/1] Ant JUnit report watcher
[19:11:01][Ant JUnit report watcher] No reports found for paths:
[19:11:01][Ant JUnit report watcher] /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/jailed-build/results/artifacts/junit/*.xml
[19:11:01][Step 1/1] Step Command Line failed
[19:11:02]Ant JUnit report watcher
[19:11:02][Ant JUnit report watcher] 1 report found for paths:
[19:11:02][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/test_bitcoin.xml
[19:11:02][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/junit_results*.xml
[19:11:02][Ant JUnit report watcher] +:results/**/*junit.xml
[19:11:02][Ant JUnit report watcher] Successfully parsed
[19:11:02][Successfully parsed] 1 report
[19:11:02][Successfully parsed] results/alias-server-junit.xml
[19:11:02]Publishing internal artifacts (2s)
[19:11:05][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[19:11:05][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[19:11:02]Publishing artifacts (2s)
[19:11:02][Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish: [+:results/**/junit_results*.xml, +:bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests/gitian-results => alias-server-tests.tar.gz, +:bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests/*.log => artifacts.tar.gz]
[19:11:02][Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path 'results/**/junit_results*.xml' not found
[19:11:02][Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path 'bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests/gitian-results' not found
[19:11:02][Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path 'bitcoin-abc/abc-ci-builds/alias-server-tests/*.log' not found
[19:11:05]Build finished


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