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Download all tests in CSV Total test count: 1015  (123 ignored); total duration: 19m:23s
items status
Status Test Duration Order#
OK p2p_opportunistic_1p1c.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 41s,499ms 856
OK rpc_bind.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 36s,078ms 863
OK abc_p2p_fullblocktest.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 33s,820ms 762
OK rpc_bind.py --nonloopback  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 32s,569ms 866
OK abc_p2p_avalanche_proof_voting.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 31s,931ms 758
OK feature_abortnode.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 31s,931ms 777
OK p2p_eviction.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 27s,070ms 836
OK abc_p2p_getavaaddr.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 26s,898ms 763
OK abc_p2p_avalanche_quorum.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 24s,405ms 759
OK p2p_invalid_messages.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 22s,047ms 849
OK feature_config_args.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 17s,481ms 788
OK p2p_addr_relay.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 16s,736ms 826
OK abc_p2p_avalanche_transaction_voting.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 16s,600ms 760
OK abc_p2p_compactproofs.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,994ms 761
OK p2p_add_connections.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,982ms 825
OK abc_p2p_avalanche_policy_stakingrewards.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,902ms 757
OK p2p_sendheaders.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,872ms 860
OK abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,671ms 764
OK abc-cmdline.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,264ms 735
OK abc_rpc_getavalancheinfo.py  (Bitcoin ABC functional tests) 15s,264ms 771


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